Thursday, March 21, 2002


They threw up the key to the Stat Final, and according to my calculations I managed a slightly better percentage than my second midterm, although not by much. Could have been better, could have been much worse. So it ends up replacing it for the final score, and after doing all the calculations it appears that I was right on the nose with my prediction of a B in that class. Its funny how they tend to surprise you though somehow... At least I'll know to go complain if I end up with something lower than that. So, after one grade I have a 3.0 GPA! Woo! For those who aren't impressed you must realize that a different statistics course was one of the ones I took on three separate occasions trying to raise my grade during my previous life on the CS path... Nothing like being done with Statistics, FOREVER, and get a not so bad grade in it too! Too bad I'll have to wait like 10 days for the other grades. :/