Friday, October 18, 2002

Twenty Point Nine...

The official numbers are in, and they're not too shabby at all. I went to go sit in the egg yesterday, which was quite a strange experience. It's basically this little capsule thingy somewhat like the cars in Minority Report that zipped along on the sides of the buildings, except much smaller. You sit on the seat in there sort of hunched over, and then shut the door which sounds much like an airlock. It then makes all sorts of air hissing and suction sounds, as if you're going to run out of oxygen any second. Definitely not something I recommend to the claustrophobic. Was fun for me though, it'll be somewhat what a cockpit is like I figure. It ended up saying of my 190.5 pounds, 20.9% is body fat. According to their little chart thingy, under 20 is healthy. So basically, even at the beginning of my weight training schedule, without much effort at all, I'm already at the boundary of not only what's healthy but what will be required. Once I get further into training and the fat to muscle conversion is in full swing, I'm sure I'll have no problem bringing that number down further.

Hit the weight room for the first time today and discovered a very cool machine... Pull-ups were a huge problem for me growing up as I basically had no arms, and even in college after I did gain a pair of shoulders at some point I was never able to do more than a few, and it always felt like my arms were ripping off. They have this machine in there that allows you to stand on a bar that's at a certain resistance and do pull-ups, so if you put it at a comfortable weight not only can you do a set of 10, but you can do them properly. You can maintain the level of exertion at a constant rate both going up and going down, without the constant jerkiness trying to do pull-ups unassisted brings. I really recommend it to those who can't do a smooth pull-up by themselves, it will make it really easy to build up that muscle and slowly reduce the weight assisting the legs over time, rather than trying to lift 190 pounds with my back and triceps on day 1. Took it real easy for the first day, just figuring out the comfort levels of the different exercise I'll be working, deciding what weight level to start at and so forth. Going to stick with one long set for the first few workouts then add a set later.

So, promising numbers to start with, as my weight is officially a good 6 pounds under the max, and my body fat is only slightly above as I begin weight training.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002


So yesterday I just did a couple miles around the lagoon island, which involved a bunch of hills. The problem is never running up the hills, it's always running down. The most efficient way to do it is just to let yourself go, basically windmilling your legs as gravity throws you downward. Unfortunately, this seems to be the fastest way to aggravate my legs. The pounding on the pavement especially when running downhill is what always brings back the pain. It's quite frustrating, seems that no matter how long I'm into the running routine, the first day I actually run some hills, or run at a somewhat fast pace, I end up having to stop halfway through due to the pain.

I guess my new strategy is just to focus on other types of exercise. The elliptical trainers at the RecCen, and the pool, are going to end up being the main focus. Interestingly enough, I stumbled upon a set of physical requirements in the Air Force track I'm headed into that I wasn't aware of before. In order to be a part of a fighter aircrew, I'll have to perform F.A.C.T.. on a regular basis, which stands for the Fighter Aircrew Conditioning Test. Unlike the tests I'll have to pass at OTS, this one solely involves weight training. It's based on a percentage of your weight, so just to overestimate things and make sure I'm in the green area I'll probably end up training as if I was trying to reach the amounts needed if I was 200 lbs. That wouldn't happen since the max in the Air Force is in the 190s, and I plan to be around 180, but better safe than sorry. That means I'll have to lift the following amounts of weight:

Bench Press: 160 lbs
Arm Curl: 70 lbs.
Lat Pulldowns: 140 lbs.
Leg Curls: 100 lbs
Leg Press: 320 lbs.

Those numbers don't look insanely impossible, but apparently its not just maxing at that weight, you must actually perform TEN reps of each exercise in one set. For example I wouldn't have a problem benching 160 lbs, but given the length of time since I was actually weight training, something tells me ten reps might be a problem.

I think the first thing I'm going to do is go pay the 6 bucks or whatever it is to go into that new machine on campus that tells you like a berzillion things about your body composition, including your body fat percentage. That will be quite helpful in determining what the best course of action is for my training routine. The problem with switching over to weight training and make sure I'm in the zones needed in that area, is I'll probably build up muscle and thus gain weight, which could put me too close to the max weight.

Might as well explain the whole deal so the numbers make sense when I talk aboutit in the future. The way they do it at the yearly physical is they initially weigh you to see if you're over the maximum allowable weight for your height. I'm technically 5' 10 1/2' at my shortest during the day, so the max weight for me is 196.5. The "desirable weight" for that height is 175. I'd be satisfied with a muscular 180. I'm currently just over 190 at last check. If you end up over the maximum weight, they do a body fat percentage check. This is so that the very muscular officers who are possibly quite a bit over the maximum weight due to muscle mass aren't affected. The maximum body fat percentage for those under 29 years of age is 20%. If you fail both of the tests (>196.5 lbs and >20% body fat) then basically bad things happen. If that was the case at my initial physical I'd be disqualified completely, if it happens when you're already in you go through various stages of reprimands and eventually demotions and a possible discharge. Basically bad news. The last time I checked my body fat percentage was like 7th grade, and I've changed a bit on both the muscle weight and chunk weight since then.

So theoretically if I find out my body fat is a decent amount under 20%, then I can just focus on keeping in shape on a muscular and cardiovascular level, and not worry so much if I gain muscle and it puts me over the max weight. It's much easier to see progress when it comes to muscular work, and ab work, so motivation wouldn't be an issue, although if I do eventually get in, knowing I'm going to have to do it or go home will be motivation enough. So now you know everything about what I'm trying to do physically. Oh one more thing. GETTING A HAWT BOD FER DA WOMENS WOULDN'T BE TOO SHABBY.


Tuesday, October 15, 2002


For those who couldn't translate, that's the sound of plopping down into an amazingly soft and comfy mattress, in this case, one placed on a futon. Finally snagged one on Sunday, and am quite pleased with the purchase. The wood seems like it's very good quality, and the mechanism to shift from a sofa to a bed seems to work very well. I decided to go with a green cover, sort of a darker forest green type, and that seems to complement the wood very nicely. It ended up being a good inch smaller than the gap under my bed, so it basically fits perfectly, while still having a few inch gap on either side of my head and feet when lying down lengthwise. I don't thrash around too much vertically, so that shouldn't be a problem. Best part about it is that it folds out to a full bed rather than a twin, which will certainly please overnight guests. So yeah, any of you friends of mine from far away pleases who want to come see the beautiful place I live in, feel free to drop on by. :)

Feeling much better tonight than last night, gonna give running a shot tomorrow, although it won't be at 7am since the last few days has screwed up my sleeping schedule as I've tried to sleep off the cold. Finally did get a haircut though, so with a lighter head running should be no problem. ;)

Been having to be a lot more organized this year, got a full on calendar goin in my notebook, having to schedule meetings for Neighborhood Council, meetings with my R/A, meetings with my Econ 109EC group, and various other things. Kind of annoying to have to actually check my calendar when someone asks me to fix their computer or invites me to a movie, but I guess it shows I'm actually getting things accomplished with my time rather than just sitting around.

Had my first smoothie of the year after missing out on dinner thanks to the first NC meeting where they were supposedly gonna have mass food but I actually ended up getting only a slice and a half of pizza... Apparently Jamba isn't open as late as I thought, but Blenders out in IV came through for us. I'm not very particular when it comes to smoothies, anything with strawberry and banana in it I'll probably dig. I'd actually be perfectly satisfied with a smoothie as my breakfast, but then I'd be wasting money left and right and that just doesn't work. Hm there's an idea, blenders for the dining commons... They already have the fruit and ice and whatnot, wouldn't be all that difficult to provide blenders... Although I guess washing them would have to be done every time, so you'd actually have to have someone making the smoothies for the students... Hm, maybe I'll bring that up at some point. Gah more later, way past my bedtime.

Sunday, October 13, 2002

I Get To Learn A New Word...

Listen up children, today's word is "Fiance." Now before you all faint, let me be a little less vague and inform you that it is not me but is actually my sister who will be using the word the most. She's become engaged to her boyfriend of more than a few years. I haven't gotten a whole lot of details as I was only the first in a long string of people to inform (at least I was first outside the parents, being the eldest sibling does have its advantages...) so I'm sure I'll have much more on this subject later.

Unfortunately not feeling any better today health wise, possibly even on the worse side tonight, so will have get back to this later and hit the sack.