Saturday, August 24, 2002

Sunburned to Bits

You want funny lookin sunburn, I got one for ya. Picture this. You're going on a hike, and the last time you got a bit sunburned, so this time you grow a brain and take some lotion. Beforehand when you get out of the car you lather up your neck and face to be sure that it isn't a problem this time. Your t-shirt and shorts getup covers everything else possibly lighter in color, as your arms and legs are tan enough for it not to be a problem. You decide about a half hour in to roll up your sleeves and create a tank top effect. You leave your upper arms and shoulders exposed to 90 degree heat for approximately 8 hours. Voila! When you get home and remove the T-shirt, it now appears that you are wearing something with red sleeves. Plenty of white in between, but amazingly bright red long sleeves from the shoulder down. Ah, intelligence.

The good news is my back isn't burned, because trying to sleep with that is the worst. My arms still hurt like the dickens, but I suppose I deserve it. Unfortunately have the big party tomorrow, so I'll have to dress of spiff and make attempts to cover the evidence.

More good news is we made it to the top, again, and even got back before dark this time. I'm gettin pretty good at this, I should be a tour guide or something. Even more good news I'll probably be really light tomorrow morning. :) Well a new low anyway. Man, even my sockline shows a clear difference in shade, when there wasn't one before. At least I was smart enough to switch wrists on my watch like halfway through, something I hadn't done for like 5 years which felt really whack, but did the trick and avoided serious lines there. The strange thing is, it was much hotter the last time I went, and I didn't get much darker at all, and no really painful burns to speak of. I guess it was a different UV rating today, or something.

Ah... blowing air on my arms sure feels good. All I need is like a fan doing that at all times, but some sort of sleeveless thing to keep me warm meanwhile. Actually blowing on them just makes them burn more a few seconds later, nm. Well, if I can't sleep I'll be back. :/

Friday, August 23, 2002

Spring Cleaning, in August

The big 30th anniversary thingy bobber for the parents is on Sunday, and some cleaning ppl are coming tomorrow morning to give the house a whoopin, so everything in my room has to be decent looking by 10am. I tend to live out of boxes during the summer, so the place is pretty trashed. Really annoying to have to box stuff up and put it in the garage, when you're just going to have to take it all out in a few weeks and get everything together making sure you didn't forget anything to take it to college. Least I get to move in on a Friday this year instead of during the weekend, that should give me a few extra days to get into the swing of things. Something tells me they got rid of the week before classes start though, and they probably start early the following week, which would be lame.

I conned another friend into climbing Mt. Baldy tomorrow it looks like, so we'll see how that goes. Now that I've conquered it again, I won't be as disappointed if we have to turn around halfway. That and I'll actually know where I'm going this time. :)

The new job basically sucks ass, your classic data entry, which is good for oh about four hours, then your eyes start going blurry and you start getting really bored and it seems like motivating yourself to do each new record takes like five minutes at a time. If you actually get going time sort of passes, but gets old after a while.

Highly doubt it's going to last much longer, I'm doing everything relatively as slow as possible without drawing attention, but still getting through the huge amount of entries pretty quick. They didn't even want me back on Monday, but they do Tuesday, which is strange. Oh well as long as I get a day next week out of it that's at least one more paycheck. Then I'm supposed to call the other job at Kaplan back on the 6th and see if they need me some more there, so I should be able to eek out some more money before I head back to school.

Remnants of my shins started being annoying today, which is not such a good sign, since I even took a day off yesterday. I guess I'm going to not run for a few days, the Baldy trip tomorrow will do plenty. Gah, when is move in day when you need it.

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Nine To Five

Think that was a song in the 80's. Alas it's time to go see what the new job is like. Hopefully won't be anything terrible. Probably going to last at least a few weeks, so hopefully it's the brainless type of stuff that makes time just flow on by. Maybe after the first day I'll be able to take a discman or something, if it's just hardcore data entry in some cubicle by myself.

Didn't go running today, felt some soreness yesterday while running the Entradero Park course, and figure I should just take a day off whenever my legs feel like they need it if I'm going to be running every day other than that. So I figure a random day off every 3 days or something instead of a set 2 days per weekend off will be better for my legs.

Went to a Mongolian BBQ place for the first time last night for a friend's bday, which was fun. Bout fifteen people or so, not all of which I knew, so it was neat meeting new people. For the first time in a while, I met a friend's boyfriend and didn't immediately have a negative opinion of him. Of course, I only talked to him for like 5 seconds, so I suppose there's still a chance once I discover all the skeletons. :) Was nice seeing all those ppl again, we had the usual grand ol time hootin and hollerin at various jokes. I wasn't a big fan of the fare at the restaurant, I guess I just don't like the whole wok concept. Too convoluted. Too much stuff mixed in maybe. I like things more simple. Always good to be branching out and trying out new things though.

Gah, guess I should get in the shower already, delaying will just make me late.

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Peanut Butter Lathered Apples

Mmmm. Was treated to some of those while up at a friend's place, she and her best friend and I had a grand ol time cookin dinner and chowin down on some yummynummy food. We worked up an apetite while wandering all over West L.A. looking for a Home Depot and ended up at the one closest to my house, go figure. One minute I'm having fun with tape measures, the next time I turn around I see the two girls playfighting with hammers, until one of them gets a big thumb. Luckily they were using those big rubber ones rather than the metal kind. Could have been worse.

Dropped off all the material for my package, after stopping by a few places to pick up various items. Took a data entry form based test at my temporary agency when I stopped by to pick up the Letter of Recommendation from them, apparently they hadn't tested me since '99 and wanted to update my records. I found out that on average I type 11,000 keystrokes per hour. I'd always known sort of a range of words per minute, but never keystrokes per hour, which is what a lot of companies use when looking for potential data entry personnel and whatnot. I always though I was around 8k which is the minimum for most jobs, with 10k for some of the more high paying ones. Cool to know I can hang with the big boys (as if it's something to brag about). The plus is I have a new job starting Thursday that should run at least through the 13th which still pays $11 like the last one, but is much closer. No freeway driving involved. It's 9 to 5, which means again probably not a 40 hour week, but who knows there might be overtime possibilities or whatnot. Saving the five bucks a day for parking and taking my own lunch should save me tons of money there anyway. I'm quite satisfied with working right up until the day before I leave for school, $ is $.

Oh and I almost forgot the biggest news of the day. Did a mile and a half time trial over at the track, and not only smashed my best mile time in a few years, but also ran UNDER the required time for the PFT at OTS for the first time in about as long. Don't laugh when I say 11:49, with a 7:47 mile. Hey I've only been training a week, gimme a month or two and we'll see how those numbers change. :) The reason this news is so good is that a 12:00 is all that's required during the "hell" that is OTS, so not having to worry about the physical aspect of things and spending more time on the mental should be an advantage. Of course in Alabama with major humidity and ninety degree heat even at 5am, things might be a little different. That's assuming I get accepted, of course. No need to put all my eggs in one basket, so to speak. Hell, it'll be nice to be in shape regardless of what I end up doing.

Monday, August 19, 2002

One Eighty Nine Point Five

That's right, the barrier has been broken! :) Another nine and a half pounds in the next five weeks and I'll be one happy camper. Got all the way around the pier again this morning, without even a running partner this time. Very promising. Going to do another time trial tomorrow, and probably stick with distance on MWF and some sort of timed workout on TR. Then when school comes around, planning to add on a swimming or sport workout in the evening on top of running in the morning. Haven't really started in depth training for arms and abs yet, that'll probably come easier once I've gotten into shape a bit more. The lighter you are, the less you have to lift. :)

Hopefully this is the last day working at this place. My transcripts got here on Saturday amazingly, just 24 hours after I ordered them online. So hopefully I'll be able to trek up to SaMo on Tuesday to drop everything off.

Bummer, I typed this up this morning and forgot to post it. Luckly it's still sitting here. ;)

Yeah, it was my last day. I am quite pleased.

Sunday, August 18, 2002

You're the One!

I'd like to say hi to the one person that visited this page yesterday. Come to think of it, it was probably me. :) Was there some sort of party I didn't know about? Some sort of gathering? Did internet connections all over the country get cut off simultaneously? Just weird I guess. Blah, I've always said ppl who count hits are lame, I guess I should take some of my own medicine. :)

I feel like I should put up something rewarding for the next person to see this. Something like a pic maybe, or some sort of representation. Maybe I'll do that.

Today's movie review is Blue Crush, which I'd have to give uhhhh hmmmm 4 M's. It was actually more entertaining than I thought it would be, and there was some very neat camera work throughout. Definitely the most advanced surfing photography I've seen. Some were clearly computer generated, and some you could tell the faces of the actresses had been added in, but some of the waves they were actually riding. Was actually pretty funny occasionally, could have been worse. Maybe 3.5 M's is more accurate. They did replay the flashback where she hits her head on the rock like 8 times. That was like 7 too many. No, 8 too many. Cringed every time I saw it. Blah, way past my bedtime. Gnite all. Er, I guess I mean gnite, you. :)