Saturday, January 12, 2002

Ahhhhhhhhhh, Mmmmmmmmmmm

Back Massages. Coolest things ever. Well for the moment anyway. I'm not really into the hard grind your muscles dig your fingernails into tendons kind that a lot of people seem to enjoy for some reason (both receiving AND giving) but just being able to relax and relief stiffness is just eternal bliss for me. Hint hint to everyone who knows me who feels like doing me an incredibly wonderful favor. :) I like to think I'm decent at giving them too, the jury will have to let me know about that one though.

Was out driving yesterday and went past this big open field where I saw the most gigantic fire I've ever seen in my life... It was this humongous bonfire, the base of which was at least 20 meters across, reaching almost as high... Not sure what it was all about, but it was a pretty incredible sight. Made two U-turns just to get a couple more looks. :)

Saturday night, not much to do, early in the quarter so nothing I should be doing, and didn't have anything planned... This used to be the case just about every weekend for me, but lately I've actually had somewhat of a social calendar, its made me feel better about myself socially. :)

Friday, January 11, 2002


A friend stopped by today with the cutest little dog I've ever seen in my life... This little tiny chihuahua with the big black eyes that just stare at you and seem to be continuously pouting. I'm petrified of dogs for the most part, largely because of an incident when I got the stuffing chomped out of me by this huge golden retriever when I was younger... But when they're so tiny, like literally 9 inches long, its tough to be scared. :) First week of classes is officially over... I FINALLY finished unpacking all my crap, I'd been living out of bags for a while... ;) Gonna go handle some paperwork and sign up for intramurals, more later.

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Children at Play...

I'm not quite sure why the entertainment value of chatting with people using someone else's screenname on their computer is so high. People love to come in here and send random erotic messages to people on my list, luckily I have quite the distinctive chatting style and so its quite obvious when its not me at the keyboard. I've also been on the other side of the situation though, like last night when one of my friends send me a peculiar message which I took to be valid after initial skepticism... To make a long story short I lost faith in someone due to their lack of concern for someone else's feelings.

Actually mine weren't all that affected, having someone tell me they want to know if we can be "more than friends" has only happened a very, very, select few times and not in at least a few years so its not something I'm expecting at any point in the near future. I like to think I'm an optimist when it comes to things like waiting in lines and such, but I tend to be a "half-empty" type on other issues such as finding "the one."

Just finished playin some DDR in the UCen, I'm up to the level I can handle the "5 feet" songs the majority of the time... Not sure why I'm bragging.. HEY STOP MAKING FUN OF ME DAMNIT :( AND MICKEY SHIRTS ARE COOL OKAY...


Wednesday, January 09, 2002


More of the same today, random new classes where the teacher spends the first day reading the syllabus back to you in case English isn't your first language or something, and lots of threats about how not coming to class will directly influence your grade, etc etc etc.

I forgot to mention a side trip I made on the way up here to visit one of my old teammates from Academic Decathlon... Hadn't seen her for a while, we tend to meet up randomly from time to time to catch up. She's got her own place in West LA now, and is teaching dance while attending SMCC, was really impressed by the way things are going for her, she seems really happy. Course she did feel the need to mention I'd gained weight since high school (haven't we all) and I unfortunately couldn't fire back because she's just matured and is even better looking than before. What's lame, is the people who literally have the least to worry about, do the most worrying. Its like those people who whine about A-'s to someone who just got a C+ in the same class. Its just not one of the most tactful things to do. Gr. But yeah, went to a neat little italian place and had the biggest slice of apple pie I've ever seen (whoops) and managed to keep her laughing in my face for various reasons for a good portion of the day. Was hoping my headache would go away before I headed the rest of the way to Santa Barbara but alas it was not so. Nice seeing her again though, will probably swing by on my way through to judge the yearly Decathlon competition for the third time in about a month in Covina.

Dead tired tonight, think its just the fact that I'm on the tail end of this sickness and have been doing a lot more walking than I was during break...

Monday, January 07, 2002

Down, Down, Down...

An interesting day... First day of classes for the Winter quarter, had my Classics and Pstat lectures today, both look to be easy enough. Got to deal with more paperwork regarding the whole major switching thing, there was a snag somewhere.

Sigh, I feel like I'm trying to make small talk with myself when I'm not in the mood.

So I received news a couple hours ago that one of my friends who played indoor soccer with me last quarter and lived in the next building over died this morning. "Natural causes" is the official word from the coroner at this point, I'm pretty sure there will be more info on the 11 oclock news tonight. Been a while since there has been a death around me. Not the most cheerful of scenarios. I tend to be introverted about it though, visibly there isn't really any evidence. Not really sure why. A few short weeks ago I was complimenting him on a well struck shot. Just cements my belief that live is meant to be lived in the present. You just never know.

Sunday, January 06, 2002

I R Heer.

I'm back at UCSB, and alive.... barely. Feel like absolute trash, nothing like getting high beamed for two hours when you have a headache, are going into coughing spasms every 5 minutes, and sneezing hard enough to worsen your headache every 10. More details later.