Friday, August 16, 2002

I Swear The Pier Moved Further Away...

Thanks to friendly companionship, I managed to make it all the way down to the Redondo pier this morning, out around it and up to Vet's park, then all the way back home. That's 3 to 4 miles or something. Making progress anyway. The legs feel a little weaker today, but on the way to work I really felt like I had a lot of energy. Strangely the 190 barrier is still somewhat inpenetrable, I've hit it multiple times without managing to get below. Something tells me now that I'm running again that will soon change. Just knocking on wood that the concept of shin splints is not going to reappear.

I felt pretty tired while I was running, but that's probably because I was launching into stories from time to time, and it's hard to handle a narrative when breathing heavily at the same time. Was good conversation though, and that's all you can ask for while pushing your body around. She's headed off to Knott's Berry Farm tomorrow, might run again in the morning beforehand though, going to check with me later online. I've only been to Knott's once, and not since they put in their newest roller coaster the Xcellerator, so at some point I'll probably have to make a return trip. Six Flags is free though thanks to the season pass, so it's hard to make the switch.

Finished "Ender's Shadow" a few days ago, and got started on "Shadow of the Hegemon." Technically it's the 6th book in the Ender's game series, although any of them could be read as standalones. Basically the only sci-fi series I've ever read, and I've enjoyed them all immensely. After this I'll have to start knocking out "The Two Towers" in preperation for the movie release in December.

More news on the AF front, going to be heading up to SaMo early next week to deliver a lot of paperwork including copies of my SSN and DL cards as well as transcripts from college and various other forms. I didn't know you could just order transcripts online and have them mailed to you, which sucks because I could have done that weeks ago. Probably only takes one or two business days though so should get here in time for this visit. I was thinking I was going to have to make an extra trip to SB and back in order to deal with those, quite pleased that it won't be necessary. Also found out that the physical and BAT test (hand-eye coordination test basically) will take place at LA AFB and not Edwards, so I won't have to drive long distances with my pupils dilated. Even better, I could get someone who loves me to drop me off and pick me up! (wink wink)

Well given I'm at work I probably shouldn't be blogging. Pretty sure this is my last day here though. I certainly hope so.

Thursday, August 15, 2002

When You Need A Smile...

They always tend to make an appearance in one way or another. Was out running this morning for the 2nd day in a row (MY GOODNESS) which in itself was a feat, because due to my injury I haven't been able to accomplish that goal in about a month. So far, so good. No pain whatsoever in the last two days, as I gradually am increasing the distance I run.

I had my usual hat and headset getup goin as I plowed down Henrietta on the way back from the little two mile loop deal over yonder, listenin to Rick Dees in the morning, which tends to help a lot when compared with just listening to yourself breath and get tired. Anyway, I ran smack into a buddy from high school, or rather, the same high school as I went to We were never actually there at the same time, we've always been the same grade level so when she was a freshman in high school I was a freshman in college, and ditto now that we're both seniors. She went through the AcaDec program as well, so we share some common feelings and attributes. It was quite random we'd be running at the same time, I guess the X-Country team is up in Big Bear for the week but she had to work, so she's just running on her own this week. Ended up turning around and basically running with me back to my house, which was fun. It's amazing how running with someone else can help you forget about the fact that you're tired. Well, other than having to pause every six words to take two full breaths. :) The nice thing about her is she's somewhat close to my pace, or was at least making me think that. That's the real bummer with trying to find running buddies, one person is always more in shape, or has a much faster pace. She suggested we run tomorrow too though, so I guess I'm not that hideously slow. She just has to go run another three miles or something after dropping me off. :)

It's weird, when you least expect something to cheer you up, alakazam, there they are.

Wednesday, August 14, 2002


That's the number of times I visited the hospital yesterday.

That's also the number of times I'd been in the hospital in the twenty years prior to that. I've been lucky. Never broken a bone, never had a stitch, never been involved in many of the not so wonderful things that require a hospital visit. It was interesting though, seeing the brand new wing at Little Company of Mary, visiting my Mom, trying out the food, (which actually wasn't so bad) and just being aware of all the types of people around me, who were there because they needed help, in one form or another. I really don't mind hospitals that much. I guess I don't have any negative memories associated with one, so they don't carry the same stigma that the do for some people.

Finally decided to start knocking out some of the 159 movies I have that I haven't seen. As of today that's now 158, as I finally witnessed The Shawshank Redemption 7 M's out of 7. People are very right when they say this movie is good. It's a view into a prison, and the life that long-term inmates lead. The acting is just phenomenal, with everyone playing their characters perfectly. I was especially impressed with some of the secondary characters. From the stuttering friend, to the heartless captain of the guard. The scene that affected me most though involved Brooks, the inmate who'd spent 50 years in the prison. I won't spoil it for anyone (although if you haven't seen it, put this one as close to the top of your list as possible) but the music played around that scene, and the voice the elderly actor uses while describing life on the outside, really makes you feel. The music all around was perfect, not too dominant, yet always there, eerie notes when required, slow melodic tones as well. The acting though, is what sets this one apart. Attempting to portray someone who has spent the majority of their life in prison cannot be easy. Yet every actor does a marvelous job. That's another building I've never visited, I suppose I've been lucky there too, although I'd like to think that was much more a conscious effort on my part.

Working today again, although the person I've been doing the most stuff for left last night for a month long trip, so I'm assuming they'll run out of stuff and send me home early for good. 9th day working at this place, I don't mind the 550 or so after taxes I'll end up with, but I'll be extremely glad to be doing something else.

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

More Info...

Apparently the cause of the blast was a gas leak in a house that was being fumigated, with a spark eventually setting off the catastrophic event. Luckily, this means no one was inside at the time, and from what I've heard there are only minor injuries to surrounding neighbors.

The house is just simply leveled, with many surrounding houses sustaining heavy damage.

Once again though, I'm fine, and unfortunately it appears I'll still have to go to work today, after stopping by to visit the mother in the hospital as she recovers from her surgery.
I'm Safe...

All those lucky enough to be watching CNN this morning, no need to worry, I'm fine.

The houses that were obliterated by a massive explosion at about 5:45am are located about six blocks from me. There are reports of damage in a wide radius, with glass breaking at houses more than a few blocks away, but we haven't found any damage to ours.

So if you heard the name Torrance and panicked, I appreciate the concern, but go back to bed. :)

More later as I receive more information. I won't be sleeping anymore given the number of sirens and choppers circling outside my window. The major news channels all just switched over, feel free to check it out.

Monday, August 12, 2002

When It Rains...

So, my mother is currently recovering having undergone a hysterectomy this morning, apparently the procedure went as planned. She's expected to be in the hospital until Wednesday. Another really poor day at work. I was going to say shitty, but after a bad experience this weekend with someone lighting me up for swearing, and realizing that it's outlawed at OTS, I might as well cut it out of my vocabulary now. It's not like it's necessary, and it certainly doesn't help my image. I swear far below the average person, but I see no reason to do it at all Forgot to get lunch money, so I just went without. During the lunch hour my usual reading spot in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency next door was disrupted by jackhammers on the floor below. Traffic was worse than usual.

Then to top it off, I get a random e-mail then an IM from someone I'd planned on avoiding since coming to the realization in May that we were just different people. I'm stupid enough to reply, and later respond, and my reward is a conversation in which she proceeds to knock everything about my career choice, and myself in general. There were a few highlights, one of which was her informing me that she will happily be the person sending me off to war in some foreign country to die in order to protect her way of life while she spends her millions on material things. The one that really topped everything off though, was her informing me that in the "grand scheme of things," I'm just as much of a slut as she is. Now, I tend to censor this blog, in a way. I refrain from personal attacks, I never mention names, and I leave out much of the less flattering information I run into about people. In this case though, I'm not at all concerned with any reactions. As has probably been figured out, tonight's encounter was once again with the most recent ex. I've finally blocked her permanently, through all forms of communication that I have access to. I am no longer of the opinion that any sort of interaction would bring anything but negative results. In the years since our relationship ended (yes, years) she has taken up smoking, getting drunk on a regular basis, and sleeping with various people just to satisfy her physical need, including a neighbor, just because he was there. Those who know me, know why I unfortunately regret having ever been in a relationship with her. The three habits stated above are basically the least desirable traits a friend, or even a person, could possibly have. Granted, her side of the story will be different, if you ever have the displeasure of running into her and hearing about it. In my own defense, I can only say it has been over two years since I've received anything more than a hug from the opposite sex. Sad in a way, but true. I'm sure this helps you realize what a ridiculous statement the above quote really is, if you compare the two lifestyles. Why I even let it affect me, I have no idea. That's the last time. Alas, all I can say is my life will be much better off in the future, with her forgotten.

I can't thank my friends enough for being there over the last few years as I've moved through various stages of transition. I can only hope to follow your example and repay what you've given me, any way I can. The subject for that blog in May was "One Door Closes, Another Door Opens." Interestingly enough, it was still cracked enough for even more negativity to shine through. If there's a way to slam it harder than I just did, I'm not sure how.

Let it be known, this is the last blog in which she will be mentioned, permanently. Along those lines, if I give you the cold-shoulder in person when asked about the subject, back off.

Sunday, August 11, 2002

Not Much To Say...

Drove out to Timbuktu also known as Hemet, California on Saturday for a memorial service, that basically took up the whole day as I spent a few hours each way in the car. There's not a whole lot to say about that, it's not the most cheerful thing in the world, and I don't suppose dwelling on it helps.

Today was basically sit around day, as I despair over having to go to work again tomorrow. More hours on the road, more hours doing nothing, trying to strech 10 minute jobs into hour long ones, so that I can at least get a 7 hour day before they say "well, guess that's all for today" and tell me to come back two days later. Least my first paycheck in a while should be here in the next day or two, and then I'll have at least two more coming after that. Still have a long way to go before I've made any progress towards a decent amount on the summer, though. I could tell them to take me off this basically part-time job that I dislike greatly and is totally inconvenient, but there might not be anything else available. Then again having this go on all the way through summer would be like sticking a 5 inch splinter under my fingernail.

Props to two of my friends for being the highlights of an otherwise dreary weekend, one for a lengthy conversation along the beach during a nice sunset, and the other for letting me blab cell to cell nonstop while bored as all heck driving alllllllll the way back across LA on the way home yesterday.