Saturday, January 18, 2003

But Wait, There's More...

Two more movies watched today, both in a different genre than usual, that being comedy. The first was Just Married, which showed promise initially. The opening thirty seconds are hilarious. It tapers off though, with some good laughs here and there. Only a couple real laugh out loud moments. We'll say 3.5 M's, it gets knocked for having more mushy stuff than I was in the mood for. :/

Tonight I found myself sitting around doing nothing to start a three day weekend, so rather than spending too long considering the fact that the reason for my lonliness was the fact that everyone was with their respective significant others, I decdied to watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which I had been yet to see but had heard good things about. I have to disagree with those who said they were rolling on the floor the entire time, it had its moments, but I think this one suffers from the curse of me hearing too many good things beforehand, and thus having expectations that were too high. Or maybe I'm just not a big a fan of comedies. Anyway we'll go with 3.5 M's here too, only because after thinking about it for a minute, I can't even really pick a clear victor in the competition of best entertainment.

Tomorrow I'm finally getting some good racquetball in, as my frequent playing partner from first year is finally taking more classes here and thus can get in free again to the Reccen. Man it would be great to find someone closer who's willing to play on a more regular basis. It's the best kind of exercise, the fun kind.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Although Delayed, Here They Are.

Okay weeks later after seeing the movies I'm finally getting around to posting my opinion. First we have Ghost World. Never heard of it? Neither had I. I'll go with 3 M's out of 7 here, solely because I got a kick out of how much one of the characters was similar to myself. Other than that, it's pretty high on the random scale. No real plot or ending, just a series of scenes basically. I can't think of a whole lot to say about it, it just wasn't that good.

However, the one I saw immediately following, Legends of the Fall was a huge improvement. Most people probably saw this one years ago, but I hadn't, so sue me. I'm glad I finally got around to it though. Anthony Hopkins plays a role, which is always a good thing. It's not a very cheerful movie, but it's that heart tugging aspect that gives this one 5.5 M's. There's some mushy stuff and apparently gorgeous actors for one gender, and some raw masculinity and action for the other. Overall very dramatic stuff.

Lastly a couple days ago I was over at a friend of a friend's place and ended up on the couch watching Run Lola Run, a German film from a few years ago. It was subbed which as usual forced you to pay attention, but I found it would have kept my attention regardless. The plot is one of those really different ones, such as Memento, which do things normal movies don't. It's basically a comment on fate, and how very simple changes in the way you do things, can have gigantic consequences in the future. Obviously in Lola's case it's even more gigantic than usual, but it didn't cross the line of being unrealistic. Until she bet on Black 20 twice in a row on Roulette and won both. Odds of that are so ridiculous it's not even funny. I guess you never know. The best part about this movie was it was an action packed 90 minutes or so, so you didn't have time to start checking your watch or get bored. It came, it went, it was cool. Very well filmed, as you get to see things from different angles every time. 5 M's.

Managed to run a bit further than Monday today, so far so good. Have an intramural co-ed basketball game tonight, that should be entertaining. I won't make the mistake of trying to shoot though. :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Coasting, An Art Form.

Returning from an excursion tonight, I saw my minivan come as close to running out of gas as it ever has. Luckily a large portion of it was downhill towards the end, so I was able to basically coast along while it beeped at me every five seconds. I even had a friend follow me with a cell phone to make sure I didn't get stuck, I was so sure I was going to run out. What can I say, a little risk makes life more interesting. Speaking of risk, more on that later.

To give you an idea of how really empty it was, I was under the impression my tank was 16 gallons, and when I'm brought it VERY close to E before I'd been able to fill up to 15.6 or 15.7 gallons. This time it filled up to 16.184. Hm....... Must have gotten there on fumes.

I'm slackin on the posts, I got a couple movie reviews and a good story from tonight to tell, gonna try to get back on the ball here.

Monday, January 13, 2003

A Beginning for the 238497234th Time...

That's right, as frequent readers will note, this is not the first time, but I'm getting back into running again. I haven't had any pain in my legs in forever, so I'm hoping all has healed in the months I took off. Gonna take it obscenely easy for the first few weeks and see how it goes. I'd like to get to at least 5 days a week and eventually 6, but going to have to start with 3 until I'm sure there won't be a relapse.

Made my 8am again, and it's kind of strange, I'm more awake for that class than any of my evening ones. Maybe I'll get more morning ones next quarter, I think I actually prefer them. Scary thought. Unfortunately with upper division classes you don't really have a choice, there's only one lecture, and it's only at one time, so that's what you get.

Forgot to blog about a worrysome incident that occurred a couple days ago... On the way back from watching a movie (which I'll review in my next post) I was riding with one of my friends on the freeway... I'm somewhat of a stickler about not driving, I tend to prefer to drive myself just about everywhere unless it can't be avoided, but there are a few people who I trust enough to have faith in their driving abilities. Anyway, basically a large pickup in front of us had large empty oil barrels of some kind rolling around in the back that weren't tied down, and before I'd even noticed the truck one managed to launch up over the tailgate and fall directly into our path. Luckily there was no car next to us, and we were able to swerve out of the way in time. Eventually someone two cars back managed to hit it pretty good, as I turned around to see if it made it off the road. It was metallic, probably would have left a pretty decent dent. In this case, I'm quite glad my friend had the presence of mind to react without thinking. With a lot of people, that could have been a much bigger problem. Happen to be looking at the radio, your passenger, or a car passing by, instead of focusing on the road, and whammo. Goes to show my confidence in some of my friend's driving is well merited.