Tuesday, April 02, 2002

One Fiftieth of the Quarter Over...

Doesn't seem like that much if you just think of it as 10 weeks of 5 days each...

Only had one lecture today, managed to schedule 3 lectures in a row from 12:30-5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays this quarter, so those will be crowded. Gives me pretty light bookends to the week though, so I guess its worth it. Had to spend over $300 on books this quarter, and I'm still not done. Managed to pick two GEs that required like 8 texts each, should be fun reading. I guess I'll have plenty of time though between classes and during those 5 hour periods.

Big night of poker on the hall tonight, first time in at least a few months, no worries for everyone so we had a typical grand ol time throwin down some nickels and times. Had one of the bigger nights in my personal history though, which is always good to put someone in a better mood than usual.

Alas I guess I'll turn in, going to try to get back into the exercise routine now that I'm back at school, been doin pretty well for a while.

Think my goal for tomorrow is going to be talk to someone new in each of my three classes. Gotta find some way to stay awake... :)