Monday, January 13, 2003

A Beginning for the 238497234th Time...

That's right, as frequent readers will note, this is not the first time, but I'm getting back into running again. I haven't had any pain in my legs in forever, so I'm hoping all has healed in the months I took off. Gonna take it obscenely easy for the first few weeks and see how it goes. I'd like to get to at least 5 days a week and eventually 6, but going to have to start with 3 until I'm sure there won't be a relapse.

Made my 8am again, and it's kind of strange, I'm more awake for that class than any of my evening ones. Maybe I'll get more morning ones next quarter, I think I actually prefer them. Scary thought. Unfortunately with upper division classes you don't really have a choice, there's only one lecture, and it's only at one time, so that's what you get.

Forgot to blog about a worrysome incident that occurred a couple days ago... On the way back from watching a movie (which I'll review in my next post) I was riding with one of my friends on the freeway... I'm somewhat of a stickler about not driving, I tend to prefer to drive myself just about everywhere unless it can't be avoided, but there are a few people who I trust enough to have faith in their driving abilities. Anyway, basically a large pickup in front of us had large empty oil barrels of some kind rolling around in the back that weren't tied down, and before I'd even noticed the truck one managed to launch up over the tailgate and fall directly into our path. Luckily there was no car next to us, and we were able to swerve out of the way in time. Eventually someone two cars back managed to hit it pretty good, as I turned around to see if it made it off the road. It was metallic, probably would have left a pretty decent dent. In this case, I'm quite glad my friend had the presence of mind to react without thinking. With a lot of people, that could have been a much bigger problem. Happen to be looking at the radio, your passenger, or a car passing by, instead of focusing on the road, and whammo. Goes to show my confidence in some of my friend's driving is well merited.