Sunday, August 18, 2002

You're the One!

I'd like to say hi to the one person that visited this page yesterday. Come to think of it, it was probably me. :) Was there some sort of party I didn't know about? Some sort of gathering? Did internet connections all over the country get cut off simultaneously? Just weird I guess. Blah, I've always said ppl who count hits are lame, I guess I should take some of my own medicine. :)

I feel like I should put up something rewarding for the next person to see this. Something like a pic maybe, or some sort of representation. Maybe I'll do that.

Today's movie review is Blue Crush, which I'd have to give uhhhh hmmmm 4 M's. It was actually more entertaining than I thought it would be, and there was some very neat camera work throughout. Definitely the most advanced surfing photography I've seen. Some were clearly computer generated, and some you could tell the faces of the actresses had been added in, but some of the waves they were actually riding. Was actually pretty funny occasionally, could have been worse. Maybe 3.5 M's is more accurate. They did replay the flashback where she hits her head on the rock like 8 times. That was like 7 too many. No, 8 too many. Cringed every time I saw it. Blah, way past my bedtime. Gnite all. Er, I guess I mean gnite, you. :)