Friday, July 26, 2002


This just in. They finally got around to releasing my AFOQT scores.

Verbal: 87
Quantitative: 99
Academic Aptitude (V & Q Combined): 96
Pilot: 98
Navigator: 99

Absolutely awesome. Better than I expected. The Quantitative I was pretty sure of, but the Pilot and Navigator composites are just beautiful. This will do wonders to help my chances. Couldn't have asked for much better. Yeah, go ahead, be like the rest of my family and point out that the 87 isn't as high as a 99. Hey, being better than 87% of the competition isn't bad either OKAY? :)

Someone quick, pop my head please. Pop it now, it's becoming astronomically large. Next time you see me pretend to care, even if you don't know what the AFOQT is. ;)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled senior year in college.