Saturday, June 29, 2002

Damn, Working and All...

Doh, ya work a couple days and ya forget about this whole blog thing altogether. Had to be at work at 7am yesterday for a supposed huge influx of paperwork to be entered at my temp data entry job that was supposed to go through Saturday, to make a long story short their inventory wasn't quite as streamlined as it could have been, and so I'm done with that job.

Didn't hear about any work for Monday, so it appears it's at least a three day weekend. Really got keep track of my its and it's, my proofreader is becoming quite irked with the amount of times I screw that up. :) Well maybe I'm just irked it happens so often. Wonder if its irked or erked. Anwyay.

Just finished listening to the O soundtrack from Cirque Du Soleil, while I was defragging my hard drive. Yeah, for the first half of that sentence you almost thought I was a non-geek, I know. ;) I try to backup at least once a year, thanks to a major issue I had losing a hard drive about two years ago which caused some major problems. Today I think I'll go through some more boxes, and get some more work done around here. Maybe watch a DVD or two later. I signed up for the Netflix free trial, so I'm getting some Cirque Du Soleil DVDs sent so I can use the "rent and rip" strategy of making avi files out of them so I can keep them forever before sending them back. Always nice to add to the collection. I'll either cancel after the first shipment if it doesn't work out like I expected and pay nothing, or pay 19.99 for the first month of getting as many dvds as I want, up to probably about 20 DVDs. Either way I don't see myself being a long term subscriber, they only have some rare stuff that I want, and with a brother working at Hollywood Video who can bring home anything they have for free temporarily, no need to spend even a buck a DVD with Netflix. Frugal is the word, not cheap, frugal. ;)