Thursday, February 05, 2004

Long Lunch Breaks are Fun.

That's about as exciting a thing as I have to say today.

Messed with the template a bit, made my description less wordy and added a where am I now section so that doesn't have to be the first question people ask me over the phone. It seems the guestbook and guestmap have become ignored and are thus crying themselves to sleep on a nightly basis. :(

Btw I think I'm going to reward whoever the 10,000th hit is to the site, just hit the "print screen" key on your keyboard, and then go to edit/paste or hit ctrl V in a program like Paint or Photoshop, and you'll have a screenshot you can save and send me. Maybe it'll be monetary, or maybe I'll just tell you how swell you are. Certainly shows how long I've been hammering away at this thing though. And to think the entire time I've been single. Interesting.

The Olympics are this summer, I hadn't even realized that until just now. That's spiffy, because I love watching the Olympics. Shame they're not in the US this time, but Greece seems like a pretty nifty place. Not that I've ever left the country or anything, but when I do I'll probably pop over there at some point. I still have a friend who promised to bust out one of his mother's infamous seven course meals or something if I ever visited, so that would be a good way to take in the local cuisine. The more I hear about other places, the more I realize I'm really going to enjoy travelling.

Dude, she even eats lots of meat on her pizza. And plays DDR. And can enjoy a sunset silently. And has a beautiful singing voice and enjoys singing Disney songs as much as I. And knows sign language. And says hi back even after the 2347283th time I say hi each day.

The "reasons why she's cool" list just kind of goes on.

It's kind of ridiculous how lopsided the ratio is between that and the "reasons why it's the world's worst idea" list is. Unfortunately the few issues there are on the latter are gigantic ones. So time passes and I continue to ponder. At least she's not bored yet.