Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Ten Thousand

Congratulations to whomever it was that hit this site a little while ago and read the hilarity posted below, you were also the 10,000th hit to this blog. If you did happen to get a screenshot feel free to e-mail it to me and claim your prize. Photoshopped versions not accepted. :)

It's been about two and a half years that I've been pounding away into this, and it's around 440 single spaced pages. I'm over halfway through rereading the entire thing, editing it for spelling and grammar, and reorganizing it chronologically into a Word doc for easy reading start to finish. I can think of only one person who would even remotely be interested in everything I've had to say here, and even then probably just to skim if anything.

I'm also putting all the Navigator and Air Force related blogs and sections of blogs into a separate file which I'll continue to do up through the time I graduated OTS, so those interested in that aspect of my life as an educational tool of the way things might be for them can e-mail me for a much easier read. The next several months will be dominated by that stuff and would make it too time consuming, but it'll be easier to catch up anyway.
But wow, just goes to show you can put pretty much anything online and due to the world of search engines and very bored human beings people will happen across it.

Rereading my mindsets and opinions years later is very interesting, I've come about face on some things, and believe even more strongly about others. Some people who were staples in my life at the time aren't anymore, and vice versa. As time changes, things change I guess, and people change with them.

Monday, March 15, 2004


You know what's funny?
Getting all ready for bed and turning out the light on the far side of the room and almost half asleep already walking across the room to your bed in the pitch black dark and about halfway across accidentally stepping on the large bubble wrap you left on the floor from the package you got that day and sending a gigantic bang through the room and scaring the hell out of yourself.
Yeah, that's pretty funny alright.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Ten in Ten

You know for not really having anything to do I certainly seem to make days disappear. I guess not much exciting goes on so I don't feel the need to blab about it. Once training starts I'll have whatever I did that day to give a little blurb from, but at the moment I'd be pretty boring.

I do need to mention something absolutely amazing that happened the other day... There's only three washers and dryers per floor here and ours were full so I used the 2nd floor's and of course forgot I had stuff in the dryer for like three hours, and went down there expecting it to be in a gigantic heap on the floor... Instead I find the two loads in two separate areas of the counter FOLDED. We're talking organized by size and color, matching socks and everything folks. I'm thinking it must have been one of the few females here because I can't imagine what guy would go to that trouble just to bump someone out of the dryer. It's like they were worried I would come after them or something. So yeah whoever that was you rock, not that I'll ever be able to track you down.

Okay we have a couple movie reviews here as well. Friday I noticed a decent movie was playing at the base theater so for the can't go wrong price of $2.50 I saw The Butterfly Effect. Unfortunately I can't say a lot about what I'd like to say a lot about because it would spoil it. You probably know the plot from the previews but I hate people who spoil endings so I won't. I will go on record however saying the ending was just so not satisfying enough. I mean with the concept of going back in time to change the past (all obvious from the preview) you can go pretty much anywhere, and they just sort of ended the movie with I guess what they see as the way it "should" be and that's just lame. So unfortunately I have to hack it some points there. What we do have though is some amazing suspense, I spent half the movie with my half ears plugged squinty eyed look goin when I know something spooky is about to happen. And there's really no warning, especially in the first major portion, just a lot of unexpected action. I really liked the cinematography, it made me quite afraid of some of the characters at times. Some really dramatic camera angles and such really added to the suspense. We'll go with 4.5 M's, not quite into that 5 M full pricer category thanks to the ending making me want to upchuck, but definitely check out a matinee or catch it on DVD.

Next up we have the movie everyone has something to say about, which I believe is called Passion of the Christ. First I'll give it a rating, 1 M. Now I'll explain why. I downloaded this one, wasn't willing to spend money to see what the hubbub was about, and I'm glad I did. Now when it comes to the 7 M scale I'm basing it off of the entertainment value of the movie. To get into the highest categories the movie has to affect me in some way, or make me think about things differently or whatnot. You'd think this is the type of movie has that potential, which is why I sat through it. And I do mean sat through it, at about the halfway point the fact that it might at least educate me in some way regarding religion and people are always telling me to broaden my horizons was the only thing keeping me from closing it out. Here's the thing. Anyone who has at least had the minimum religious education or even has somewhat paid attention when other people talk about it know the storyline behind Jesus' death. Therefore going into the movie you already know the entire plot. The only thing the movie does is give you a visual to go with it. Make no mistake, when people talk about the amount of violence in the movie, and talk about how graphic it is, if anything they are understating the level of it. It is essentially a how-to guide on torturing someone to death. Now from what I've read it seems that some people really do gain something from this movie. Changes them so that they realize how Jesus suffered for their sins and they must become better people or whatnot. Frankly any literate person should have been able to get the same from reading the story in any religious text. Does a person really need powerful, bloody visuals to show them what it was like? So if you really want to give yourself nightmares or for some reason enjoy watching the human body destroyed as much as possible while still at least temporarily sustaining life, then put yourself through the two hours of this movie. That's all it was to me. I stand by my rating of 1 M, that it's not worth the 10 cent CD to burn it on.

I think I'm going to go through my old blogs tonight and start spelling/grammar checking them. I think I'm somewhere around 500 pages single spaced and I had better finish off the product before it becomes totally unmanagable. That and make it chronological instead of reverse the way it is now in the Word doc I back it up in. You never know at some point someone might want to read it all from the beginning. I can't imagine why. Man would I do a lot of skimming.

Oh wow I got all the way to clicking the post button before noticing the title I put for the blog, I guess I better mention that. As of ten days from returning from ASBC I'm down ten pounds from 190 to 180. A couple more and I'm pretty much where I was when I left. All those curious how to lose an easy ten, just exercise at least daily including plenty of running, don't drink anything but water, and just eat something like cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, maybe fat free yogurt or some fruit in between to keep the metabolism, and essentially whatever you want for dinner although whatever is high protein is a good idea. No soda or candy for like two weeks, this is the probably the longest I've gone, ever. Alas two weeks of suffering to go and then I'll be able to work such things back in as I'll be only trying to maintain instead of lose, which is much easier. So yeah, I guess that wasn't so hard.