Well Golly.
Made it over here to the library again for a post, but not anything really tremendously exciting to blog about. Lots of boring classes rehashing mostly stuff I already know, lots of trying to stay awake. Lots of painful PRT, managed the 1.5 mile in just under 10 yesterday which is my fastest time here so that shows promise, especially given we've been going out to eat on a way too often basis due to celebrations involving winning games or people's birthdays or whatnot.
It certainly is a different kind of situation I'm in on the social side of things. There's the capability to spend literally 24/7 with a person, and that makes days seem like weeks, and within a few weeks I feel like I've known at least one person for a year. At least on the mental side things seem to be progressing faster than average. But this leads to a lot of complicated topics that usually aren't covered in week two. So I'm not really sure what's going on at the moment, and that's probably irritating. You want real scary though, I met the parents last weekend, and managed to field all the typical questions pretty well during the interrogation that was attempted to be disguised as polite banter over lunch. Pretty sure that hurdle was supposed to come later too. Ah well I figure I've got a month to ponder, and meanwhile enjoy the present.