Saturday, November 24, 2001

Sex In Space May Not Work

"Scientists who have been looking into the movement of sperm in space, with its lower gravity, believe that they have found out that sex in space may not lead to pregnancies because the lack of gravity causes a change in it. Spem, when in space, moves around a lot more than it does on the earth, but unfortunately the lack of gravity means that a enzyme that is supposed to tell it when to stop moving does not kick in, so it cannot fertilise an egg." (

Damn. Remember how I said I would be part of that first mission to live on Mars? There's a kink in my plans.

Wait a second. They don't mean sex won't work, they mean PREGNANCY, don't they? Hm.. Maybe that's a plus, then. :)

Don't get me wrong, I love kids, its just... well dangit, never mind I'm going to go force myself to sleep more.

P.S. I'd like to thank BRUCE from the St. Louis area, someone I met online through an online gaming thing and have kept in touch with, for happening to be active on my AIM list and entertaining me for several crucial minutes on the path through boredom. You go, girl.
Tick, Tock.

Tonight was one of those nights where you go to bed relatively early (meaning 10 or 11pm) and after a nice full sleep wake up feeling fresh and ready to start the day, glance over at the usual digits, and see 1:30am. Bust. At school this would be a good thing, time to catch up on homework, movie watching, or go invade someone's room down the hall. At home for Thanksgiving, that just means internet surfing until anyone sane will log on and talk to you.

No dice so far.

I wonder if I've ever repeated a little heading thingy title. I hope not. That would be so, not creative.

So I was having fun with google (not a pet, the search engine) and dumping in random things, trying to find interesting people in my general area of the world. I think it was "friendly ucsb" that ended up bringing me to a particular female's page. It was an excellent read, neat that there are people like that out there. I then proceeded to make a retard of myself by posting a hundred something line entry in her guestbook about how cool that was, next to all the two and three liners. I guess e-mail would have been more intelligent. Sigh.

Some people get that "don't know what say" or "frog in your throat" thing when talking to new people. My problem tends to be I talk a lot, and end up saying something that just sucks. Case in point:

Scene: Airbus from Oakland Airport to BART station, window seat next to strange looking young man.
Conversation lead in: Discussing why we're both in the area, him because he's looking at Berkeley for graduate school having just come from MIT, me because I'm bored.

M: Yeah, glad that we're on vacation now, finals week was a real pain, physics just blew me away. I'm glad that there are other people crazy enough to pursue the subject, because they're saving me a life of torture. So, what are you planning to study?
New Person: Quantum and Theoretical Physics, actually... [nervous giggle]
M: [grabs his sneaker, inserts it orally, and proceeds to choke] Ah, hehe. Well, there ya go, everyone does what they like, whatever floats your boat, blows your skirt up, that kind of thing.
[the bus door opens, and the young man hurriedly escapes]

I was reminded of this because the new girl is also a physics major, something that impresses me, even if I loathe the subject myself. Real world problems are cool when its a ball bouncing, a man running around a track, cars racing, etc. Integrating the ocean moving across a region of the sand bottom in relation to the tides causing wave formations, is not cool.

Hm. There was a strange piece of hardware sitting over here next to my father's computer. I picked it up cuz it looked fun, was able to bend back in forth. Then it broke in half. Luckily, it was because there were about twenty individual parts that were fastened together, so it was easily fixable. Remind me not to touch things like that anymore. :/

Friday, November 23, 2001

[Shoulders Some People Out Of the Way To Reach The Computer]

Ah, finally some time on the ol keyboard. Least once everyone goes to sleep there's some peace and quiet around here.

My legs feel pretty well dead, like they're about to fall off.

Made the mistake of going over to play soccer/football with the brother at the ol high school stomping grounds. That's two ol's in four sentences. WAYYYY too much old people influence around here. Next I'll start exclaiming yeehaw and screaming "WHERES MY DENTURES." So anyway, found out I can punt a football 50 yards in the air, but can only kick like a 48 yard field goal. Must be the fact that when you kick its end over end, but punting spirals and if you have wind that helps, or something. Playing soccer in the dark is pretty tough. Depth perception just isn't there.

The biggest mistake came when I challenged him to run a hundred yards in less than sixteen seconds, turned out it only took him fourteen eight. This of course caused me to have to do it to see if I could still move faster than the usual couch to fridge chug, turned out I snagged thirteen six. A far cry from my twelve flat or something days of high school track (don't get my wrong that isn't fast, my events were the half and mile, but that was fast for me :) ) but its decent enough anyway. This of course led to exclaims of cheating with the watch, so we both had to go down and race at the same time. I let him get a jump start to give me something to catch (I'm insanely competitive, its what keeps me going in most sports even when it seems like there's nothing left to give) but it turned out I was gaining on him pretty much the whole first fifty yards (lengthening my lead that is) until he began to pull up with some sort of miraculous knee injury (that was fine five minutes later). So anyway, still faster than the brother. Something tells me the quads and hammys are going to be angry with me in the morning though, even though I stretched before and after.

Just to put the above in perspective in case half of you out there are ready to brag about your hundred yard times (I'm setting off my own inferiority complex with no outside help, how pathetic is that) consider the fact that I'm two hundred pounds, and my bro is two fifteen. In my track days I was at least one fifty, probably more like one thirty five.

Speaking of the whole weight thing, the scale here read 199 this morning. Course then there was Thanksgiving. Then again I did get a lot of exercise afterward. We'll have to see how the rest of the weekend goes, and what the scale I've been using regularly at school says when I get back. 195 maybe? Heh. We'll see.

Hooppee Belated Turkey Day All!

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Fat People. And Lots of Them.

Yep, I'm home again. :) [waits for the boos and jeers]

Had a pretty boring 3+ hour ride instead of the usual <2... Listened to some old tapes from my childhood, found one where I recorded myself singing Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting, which was especially interesting since my voice hadn't changed and was a few octaves higher. Creating a melody with a younger version of myself, scary thought.

Highway 1 at first seemed like the intelligent move given the hour long process it took just to get out of Santa Barbara... Til I discovered there was a twenty mile detour, and later got stopped by a cop blocking the road so someone doing at least 100mph could come blasting by being chased by like six cruisers. Then there was the usual road construction and missed signals, anyway, I got here. :/

Met my new grandmother for the first time tonight, that was... interesting. My dad's mother died about five or so years ago from cancer, she was always really nice to me. My dad's father just recently remarried, so my dad's having fun struggling with the term "stepmom." Must be pretty trippy, especially fifty years into life. She smokes, so that's annoying, I'm allergic to basically the scent, or being around it for long periods of time. Its a good thing too, or I'd probably be at the casino more. :) Other than that she seems nice, other than the usual tries to fit in with the family too soon and "treat her new grandchildren like her old ones" as she said. That involves things like batting my hand randomly when I was cracking my knuckles because she disapproved. To say the least, hasn't gone so well so far. Not like I'm allowed an opinion on the topic or anything, its a done deal, and given there won't be much contact, I'll try to ignore the situation. The best I can do is be civil.

Going to be doing a lot of thinking this weekend, could be some major shakeups in the realm of my future.

Tuesday, November 20, 2001


It's kind of pathetic when the only reason I know its time for bed is when I see the sun rising outside my window, and the only time I know I should be getting up is when its getting dark. Was out late last night with an old friend at Carrows, one I hadn't heard from in quite some time. We talked about the usual anything and everything, over the usual glass of strawberry lemonade.

Watched the new episode of 24 tonight, and made my first attempt at capturing it via TV card onto my computer. The main problem is with Windows XP I can't capture the audio and video simultaneously, so I had to use someone else's computer to cap the audio, and am in the process of putting it all together as we speak.

Won't be going home for Thanksgiving until late tomorrow (Wednesday) night, due to traffic being boring, and me not exactly having a long line of hot dates waiting for me when I get there.

Monday, November 19, 2001


Was sitting in here with a friend tonight helping her with math, with the door halfway open, when quite the unusual event occurred. There was a balloon just sitting on the other side of the hallway outside my door minding its own business, when suddenly my sentence was interrupted by the sound of a large object stomping down the hallway and to our surprise, leaping into the air trying to stomp both of his feet down onto the balloon before he landed. He of course glanced off, and basically ended up launching himself horizontally further down the hallway and slamming into the ground with a resounding thump. The whole incident took about two seconds, but it was enough to keep my friend and I gasping for breath for the next several minutes.

The guy eventually managed to pop the balloon, on about the third stomp.

Sunday, November 18, 2001


Wow. I must have said that at least a million times tonight while watching the meteor shower.

The depressing thing is I almost missed it, inhibited by the fog that was very dense over campus and the surrounding area. On a hunch I hopped in the car and drove north a ways, planning to just get some exercise somewhere along the way with a nice jog, if I couldn't escape the fog. As luck would have it, it just got denser, to the point I was having to go about 30 mph on the freeway just to stay on the road. Luckily my luck changed, as I picked an exit to get off and turn around finally, I suddenly popped out of the fog into the most fiery night I've ever seen.

They came from all directions, all shapes and sizes and colors and brightness. There was a line of cars where I ended up, and the oohs and ahhs went on for hours. Being from LA originally, seeing that many stars is a unique experience in itself, but seeing them flying all over the place in a magnificent display was just breathtaking.

They say its not going to happen to that extent again until 2099. Well, I plan to be alive to see that one too, but figured to be safe I better not miss this one. :) To all those who missed it, I feel sorry for you. :/