They Hate Me, They Really Do! :(
I'm pretty sure the powers at be have it in for me, seems like a lot of random things have been goin wrong the last couple days...
Its Friday night, and that means I'm basically alone in the dorms while everyone out goes get drunk and throws themselves around DP and eventually stumble back to see if they can "score an easy lay". Meanwhile, back in the non-retarded world...
So I'm goin over to a new friend's place last night to take her out to Freebird's and help her with a CS assignment back at her place, and I'm about halfway there (its literally only a mile away) and I spot a police cruiser pull out and start tailing me... I have to be literally perfect for the next eight or so months because I got two speeding tickets within like a week of each other at the end of the school year last year, and if you get to four you get your license suspended in California... So anyway I'm driving totally perfect, stopping a solid three seconds at the stop sign, even slowing down to the recommended fifteen mile an hour limit over the bumps on Stadium road, when of course on comes the blinky lights and spotlight right in my face and I get pulled over. Kill the engine, turn off the lights, get ready to be as cordial as possible, as my blood pressure triples. "Excuse me sir, but do you realize........ your license plate light is out?" WHAT IN THE says the brain, but I respond with "No, I was unaware of that." I mean hello, how would a driver notice such a thing if they're always in the car when they turn on the headlights?~?@??~!?!? So anyway, he goes "Well that's usually a $450 dollar fine, but I'll just give you a warning this time." I BEG YOUR PARDON HAVE YOU BEEN SMOKING CR.. "Ah yeah, I'll be sure to take care of that as soon as possible, thanks for the heads-up." And away I go, feeling my blood pressure at astronomical levels for the next half hour or so as I tell the story to my friend... She's pretty cool, in three of my classes, works hard, so we've been exchanging knowledge and homework a bunch, those are the most helpful types of friendships I'm sure. :P
Wow. Domino's breadsticks are much improved over the last time I tried them. Yummynummyinmytummy.
So yeah.
I wake up this morning, little later than usual since I stayed up a little later than usual, still get through the usual shower and shave on time and have a good five minutes to bike to class, head on out to the racks and easily find my bike.... in pieces. Rear wheel here, bent gears here, frame and front wheel still locked to the rack. Turns out it wasn't even my rear wheel, that had been stolen and replaced with another bent one. Didn't even have the hollow hole for the quick release, so it wasn't usable. After consulting with my bike expert triathlete friend I decided to just salvage what I could, and leave the rest for impound.
Luckily there is some good luck involved in this little tale, the bike auctoin is tomorrow at 10am so I should be able to pick one up pretty cheap, they have 450 bikes on sale I hear. I figure let everyone bid against each other early, so they all have one already, and once everyone else has left pick a decent one from whats left. :) I don't see 500 college students away at 10am on a Saturday to pick up a bike...
I'm pretty proud of myself, I've been making a much greater effort this year to meet lots of people, and gain lots of friends. Had a couple up here from the 3rd floor sharin pizza, had some good fun. Anyone who actually makes a conscious decision to be the vast minority and stay in on a Friday or Saturday night for some good conversation or a movie as opposed to getting wasted and crashing someplace gets points in my book. :) One of them reminds me a lot of a friend from home, same mannerisms and such. Course the bummer and major difference is apparently she smokes occasionally. :/ Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be trying to save the world, save everyone from their poor decisions, but I can't help but try... We'll see how it goes this time.
Had a few interesting dreams lately, remind me to tell ya'll later. ;)
Friday, October 05, 2001
Thursday, October 04, 2001
Hm, missed another day in there somewhere. Guess it'll happen from time to time, I wonder if a regular reader would find it worse to have a gap of a day or have a post with basically no worthwhile reading. Hmm...
Finally made it to Freebirds for the first time tonight after snaggin some buddies to go... Gotta love the tacos, I love gettin one chicken and one steak, fillin it up with cheese and rice, then finishing it off with some chips and Snapple pink lemonade. Mmm Mmm Goooooood. Quite the delicious meal, quite filling too, gotta love it. Got to the reccen today for some rball, played pretty horribly, but that's probably due to the big gap of days I didn't go... Don't have to go to class until 2pm tomorrow so I'm sure I'll get out there at some point, will probably get some swimming in as well. Contrary to popular belief even though I've been feeling really really full after meals lately I haven't gained any weight... Strange, since it seems like I eat like a plain cheeseburger and some fries and by the time I down a glass of orange juice I feel like I'm going to explode for the next three hours... Maybe my stomach is shrinking, I suppose that's the good thing. The bummer is I would much rather be on a lunch/midnight eating schedule, just two meals a day... Given midnight meals cost money I should probably be more on a breakfast/dinner schedule, but then again lunch is my favorite meal... sigh.
Saw someone I knew from last year today, and this will probably come out wrong no matter how I say it, but I'm pretty sure she either gained like, a ton of weight from last year, or got pregnant, and I can't figure out which. I didn't say hi to her since she didn't see me, and I wouldn't really know what to say anyway. "Hi there, looks like you had fun this summer" or something like that just wouldn't work. "By the way, are you pregnant or did you just get THAT chunky" wouldn't gain me brownie points either. I've never had any close friends or people I knew get pregnant, it'll probably be pretty shocking the first time it happens. I know there were a couple who had children at my high school, but no one I had become friends with or anything. Not entirely sure how I'll react, I tend to be rather the pessimist about the situations other people are in, probably for the most part due to me being bitter and jealous. You didn't hear it from me though...
Got this whack computer bug that causes the screen to not turn back on occasionally after leaving it alone for a few hours at a time and then suddenly causing it to reboot... Stranger still is my friend upstairs is having the same problem and I couldn't fix it on hers either... Guess I'm not as dorkysmart as I thought. :/
Pretty proud of myself, thus far the two people I've basically forced to make life altering decisions have followed through with them... Of course these things take time, and they might still saunter back into their old ways... Optimistically speaking I hope they remain better people. Nice to know that one person actually CAN make a difference in a person's life. Maybe I'm making too big a deal out of it and just tooting my own horn, maybe its not as massive a change as I thought. Seems like it though.
Been behind in e-mails lately, going to catch up as soon as I'm bored and lonely one of these nights. (believe me, it'll happen)
Hm, missed another day in there somewhere. Guess it'll happen from time to time, I wonder if a regular reader would find it worse to have a gap of a day or have a post with basically no worthwhile reading. Hmm...
Finally made it to Freebirds for the first time tonight after snaggin some buddies to go... Gotta love the tacos, I love gettin one chicken and one steak, fillin it up with cheese and rice, then finishing it off with some chips and Snapple pink lemonade. Mmm Mmm Goooooood. Quite the delicious meal, quite filling too, gotta love it. Got to the reccen today for some rball, played pretty horribly, but that's probably due to the big gap of days I didn't go... Don't have to go to class until 2pm tomorrow so I'm sure I'll get out there at some point, will probably get some swimming in as well. Contrary to popular belief even though I've been feeling really really full after meals lately I haven't gained any weight... Strange, since it seems like I eat like a plain cheeseburger and some fries and by the time I down a glass of orange juice I feel like I'm going to explode for the next three hours... Maybe my stomach is shrinking, I suppose that's the good thing. The bummer is I would much rather be on a lunch/midnight eating schedule, just two meals a day... Given midnight meals cost money I should probably be more on a breakfast/dinner schedule, but then again lunch is my favorite meal... sigh.
Saw someone I knew from last year today, and this will probably come out wrong no matter how I say it, but I'm pretty sure she either gained like, a ton of weight from last year, or got pregnant, and I can't figure out which. I didn't say hi to her since she didn't see me, and I wouldn't really know what to say anyway. "Hi there, looks like you had fun this summer" or something like that just wouldn't work. "By the way, are you pregnant or did you just get THAT chunky" wouldn't gain me brownie points either. I've never had any close friends or people I knew get pregnant, it'll probably be pretty shocking the first time it happens. I know there were a couple who had children at my high school, but no one I had become friends with or anything. Not entirely sure how I'll react, I tend to be rather the pessimist about the situations other people are in, probably for the most part due to me being bitter and jealous. You didn't hear it from me though...
Got this whack computer bug that causes the screen to not turn back on occasionally after leaving it alone for a few hours at a time and then suddenly causing it to reboot... Stranger still is my friend upstairs is having the same problem and I couldn't fix it on hers either... Guess I'm not as dorkysmart as I thought. :/
Pretty proud of myself, thus far the two people I've basically forced to make life altering decisions have followed through with them... Of course these things take time, and they might still saunter back into their old ways... Optimistically speaking I hope they remain better people. Nice to know that one person actually CAN make a difference in a person's life. Maybe I'm making too big a deal out of it and just tooting my own horn, maybe its not as massive a change as I thought. Seems like it though.
Been behind in e-mails lately, going to catch up as soon as I'm bored and lonely one of these nights. (believe me, it'll happen)
Tuesday, October 02, 2001
Behind the Eight Ball...
Played some pool tonight, was quite overjoyed to find I've improved somewhat over previous attempts. I still miss the straight ones, can still make the really randomly hard ones, its just always been that way. :/ I'm not exactly a shark, probably wouldn't play for money, unless I knew I'd win. :)
Got another blank message today. How annoying is that. I get like five phone calls a week, and the last couple have been blank messages. Nothing more annoying than coming in and seeing the blinky blinky light and the big number 1 (or 2 even, on rare occasions) and getting all excited only to hear the raucous CLICK on the tape. GRRRR. Who are you? Do you not love me? :/
Did my laundry today. Its been a couple weeks I guess, or therebouts. Even folded all my clothes immediately following. I was proud. :) Washed the sheets too! What a goooood boy!
Played poker for money with the guys on the hall for the first time tonight, went pretty smoothly, ended up about even myself, with some winning and some losing. Should be a fun weekly type thing or something. Pretty sad, four days a week I don't have to get up the next day until like 1pm, yet I end up with nothing to do in the evenings/night besides make myself fat or sit in front of my computer. I need a life, damnit. Need to get into a regular Reccen schedule, been skipping days. Nothing worse than eating like a burger and feeling like you've stuffed yourself beyond all belief and gained like ten pounds. Hoif.
I think I'm making a difference. I think I'm being heard. I'll keep tryin. No need to drop the baton on the last lap, so to speak.
Played some pool tonight, was quite overjoyed to find I've improved somewhat over previous attempts. I still miss the straight ones, can still make the really randomly hard ones, its just always been that way. :/ I'm not exactly a shark, probably wouldn't play for money, unless I knew I'd win. :)
Got another blank message today. How annoying is that. I get like five phone calls a week, and the last couple have been blank messages. Nothing more annoying than coming in and seeing the blinky blinky light and the big number 1 (or 2 even, on rare occasions) and getting all excited only to hear the raucous CLICK on the tape. GRRRR. Who are you? Do you not love me? :/
Did my laundry today. Its been a couple weeks I guess, or therebouts. Even folded all my clothes immediately following. I was proud. :) Washed the sheets too! What a goooood boy!
Played poker for money with the guys on the hall for the first time tonight, went pretty smoothly, ended up about even myself, with some winning and some losing. Should be a fun weekly type thing or something. Pretty sad, four days a week I don't have to get up the next day until like 1pm, yet I end up with nothing to do in the evenings/night besides make myself fat or sit in front of my computer. I need a life, damnit. Need to get into a regular Reccen schedule, been skipping days. Nothing worse than eating like a burger and feeling like you've stuffed yourself beyond all belief and gained like ten pounds. Hoif.
I think I'm making a difference. I think I'm being heard. I'll keep tryin. No need to drop the baton on the last lap, so to speak.
Monday, October 01, 2001
Slept a good ten hours last night, yet still feel like going to sleep even though I've only been up for eight. Very bizarre. Ate at DLG tonight, the further away dining commons, because Ort was closed . Gr. They shortened all the hours just to spite me I think.
I always feel like a friggin loser at DLG, not sure why. At Ort I have no problem with going by myself, sitting by myself, reading the paper or something, watchin tv... At DLG I feel like a foreigner, I guess because I barely know anyone who eats there... Ort is generally considered higher quality food, has a bigger variety of stuff, so i frequent that one regularly.
Guess I should hit the sack earlier than usual tonight, so I can actually wake up for class tomorrow... I've discovered that by reading the paper in my really boring lecture classes and donig my homework in the other ones, time really flies by... And at least I'm somewhat paying attention to what's going on and killing two birds with one stone.
Not that I would kill a bird. That's lame. :/
Slept a good ten hours last night, yet still feel like going to sleep even though I've only been up for eight. Very bizarre. Ate at DLG tonight, the further away dining commons, because Ort was closed . Gr. They shortened all the hours just to spite me I think.
I always feel like a friggin loser at DLG, not sure why. At Ort I have no problem with going by myself, sitting by myself, reading the paper or something, watchin tv... At DLG I feel like a foreigner, I guess because I barely know anyone who eats there... Ort is generally considered higher quality food, has a bigger variety of stuff, so i frequent that one regularly.
Guess I should hit the sack earlier than usual tonight, so I can actually wake up for class tomorrow... I've discovered that by reading the paper in my really boring lecture classes and donig my homework in the other ones, time really flies by... And at least I'm somewhat paying attention to what's going on and killing two birds with one stone.
Not that I would kill a bird. That's lame. :/
Sunday, September 30, 2001
Bringin out the Winner in Me...
Sheesh, guess I know why people get addicted to gambling... Somehow, I ended up back at the casino last night. I basically decided I needed to lose a lot of money so that I wouldn't want to go anymore... For the most part that's the way the night went, although it took quite some time. Played Let it Ride again and at first was up a bit, then was down, then was almost even, then was down, then almost even again, and only after about three hours did I end up walking away empty handed. I think that's the overall goal with gambling, if you don't win anyway, just manage to stretch your money to last you as long as possible, give you more chances at "the hand" which will make you happier than ever. Then went over and played the Spin It Poker machine again, and on just one Jackson managed to keep that thing going for like three hours as well... Would pop up to about seventy, then fall to thirty, then seventy two, then fifty, then seventy... I decided I was going to cash if I hit eighty or a hundred, but it never actually happened. Got some really nice hands, but nothing terribly major. The highlight of the evening was "On the Way Out" as its called. My friend and I sort of have a tradition that when we're headed for the door we don't keep any small bills in our pockets, a way to get rid of the chump change so to speak. Popped a ten dollar bill into a machine that for some reason already had a credit, it was basically draw poker. Bout the fifth hand started with a pair of twos, held them, and BAM, two more popped up giving me four of a kind. Watching eighty dollars in coins fall out of the machine was pretty damn cool. So that last flurry on the way to the door turned what would have been a "beeeg lewsaaa" night into pretty close to even. Course then again I was trying to lose so I wouldn't want to go back. Hm, last paycheck from summer being mailed this week too, more "money I didn't really know I had" the best excuse to contribute to an addiction.
Found out more about the situation I was so erked about yesterday, and I'm still not really sure what to think about it. I really do think I can help the person, but I could talk someone's ear off for weeks and weeks spouting as much intelligence as I can but it still won't make a difference without effort on the other side. I like to think I'm making a difference. I hope in this case that is the truth. WHY MUST PEOPLE PRETEND TO BE BLIND TO WHAT THE SMART CHOICE OR DECISION IS? Gr.
Heh, its 4pm and I just managed to wake up, having hit the sack at 6:30am last night... Another unspoken rule is that if the sun isn't up by the time you leave the casino, you just didn't stay long enuff! :P
Sheesh, guess I know why people get addicted to gambling... Somehow, I ended up back at the casino last night. I basically decided I needed to lose a lot of money so that I wouldn't want to go anymore... For the most part that's the way the night went, although it took quite some time. Played Let it Ride again and at first was up a bit, then was down, then was almost even, then was down, then almost even again, and only after about three hours did I end up walking away empty handed. I think that's the overall goal with gambling, if you don't win anyway, just manage to stretch your money to last you as long as possible, give you more chances at "the hand" which will make you happier than ever. Then went over and played the Spin It Poker machine again, and on just one Jackson managed to keep that thing going for like three hours as well... Would pop up to about seventy, then fall to thirty, then seventy two, then fifty, then seventy... I decided I was going to cash if I hit eighty or a hundred, but it never actually happened. Got some really nice hands, but nothing terribly major. The highlight of the evening was "On the Way Out" as its called. My friend and I sort of have a tradition that when we're headed for the door we don't keep any small bills in our pockets, a way to get rid of the chump change so to speak. Popped a ten dollar bill into a machine that for some reason already had a credit, it was basically draw poker. Bout the fifth hand started with a pair of twos, held them, and BAM, two more popped up giving me four of a kind. Watching eighty dollars in coins fall out of the machine was pretty damn cool. So that last flurry on the way to the door turned what would have been a "beeeg lewsaaa" night into pretty close to even. Course then again I was trying to lose so I wouldn't want to go back. Hm, last paycheck from summer being mailed this week too, more "money I didn't really know I had" the best excuse to contribute to an addiction.
Found out more about the situation I was so erked about yesterday, and I'm still not really sure what to think about it. I really do think I can help the person, but I could talk someone's ear off for weeks and weeks spouting as much intelligence as I can but it still won't make a difference without effort on the other side. I like to think I'm making a difference. I hope in this case that is the truth. WHY MUST PEOPLE PRETEND TO BE BLIND TO WHAT THE SMART CHOICE OR DECISION IS? Gr.
Heh, its 4pm and I just managed to wake up, having hit the sack at 6:30am last night... Another unspoken rule is that if the sun isn't up by the time you leave the casino, you just didn't stay long enuff! :P