The Way You Move...
Just a quick blurb of a movie review here, saw You Got Served over the weekend, and it was pretty much what I expected. Some pretty amazing dance sequences, intermingled with some pretty terrible plot elements. So yeah, go for the rhythmn, hit up the snack bar or restroom during the rest. Spend a lot of time going "WHAT THE" as they do things like skid across the floor on their head or bend their bodies in incredible ways. Pretty bumpin soundtrack too, which is the main reason I recommend seeing it in the theater vs renting it, unless you have a monster system yourself. We'll say 4 M's due to my love for music in motion.
Did I mention I fell off the bed like a week ago and bashed up my elbow pretty good? Pretty funny stuff. If you're lying on your right side, and you're at the very left edge of the bed randomly, don't try to roll onto your back, or you'll find out how far off the floor your bed is. Been a while since I've had as good looking a scab.
In other news, there seems to be rumors of going various places during various weekends upcoming, but I'm not sure whether any of it will actually pan out. Still riding the fence on the major topic at hand though. Seems popular opinion among my rational friends is the rational side of it. I guess that makes sense.