Saturday, March 02, 2002

A Light In The Dark

The internet came back up a few minutes ago, for the moment. Was down all evening. Apparenlty the resnet guy has most of comm services working on the problem now, and they've narrowed it down to something between the switch and the port in my room, if not one of the two. Lovely. This being Friday I'll get to deal with it for a few more days until Monday when people go to work again.

I'm becoming qutie confused by the concept of an internet search. One of the services I use to track traffic through this page spits out a list of all the things people have searched for and ended up being linked to it. Some make sense: "searching something" "ucsb blog" or some movie or book titles. Others however, like "Pictures of 5th grade girls tied up and gagged"? Um, I BEG your pardon? There's obviously some sort of issue there. I'm pretty sure I've been coherent enough while typing that those words have never appeared anywhere near that order in here. Sheesh. How pathetic are people today that they're looking for something like that. I guess there's no real way for search engines to block that kind of search that obviously isn't productive. Then again I suppose that's most of the business a search engine gets. Pathetic.

The cat died.

Was over 10 years old, didn't seem that long. Poor cat. Those looking for a eulogy should head for the sisters page, she's always more vocal about these types of things. I tend to be more of an introvert.

I would link her, but I think the corporate demigods would immediately have her tarred, feathered, chained, whipped, beaten, fired, and publicly farted on if they managed to put a name to the "horrible" things she says on her page. Strange how I can go from a tragedy to a joke in two sentences. Guess its just my way of doing things. Always makes things easier, unfortunately not always appropriate.

March? Is it really?

Friday, March 01, 2002

The Clock Is Ticking.

Added something to chase the cursor around the page and entertain the masses. Quite cool I think. I'm a dork, though.
The Week That Wasn't

So the Grammy's sucked. They just weren't very entertaining. All stuff I'd heard before, no one really did anything significantly different. The people who were supposed to win basically did, and the host wasn't very funny. Luckily, I taped them, and instead spent the time going to another a cappella concert in IV theater where the UCSB group Naked Voices performed with the Michigan group Dicks and Janes. Had a much more enjoyable time there, even though I had to sit way in the back to avoid infecting everyone with the flu. Nothing like going from 102 degrees to 60 degrees (seemingly) every 30 seconds. Been atrocious all this week, luckily haven't missed anything important, I'm in the lull before important stuff is due and then finals.

Decided to rearrange my room the other day, to allow myself more space. The bed is now bunked to within about a foot and a half of the ceiling, making not faceplanting when waking up a challenge. However, this allows for a lot to be moved underneath it (like my chair/desk/monitor) and leaves the rest of the room pretty open. I'd say my room is maybe fourteen feet by eight feet, not exactly the hugest room I've ever been in. This new arrangement allows plenty of space for everything though, so I don't really complain.

The new survivor was even more entertaining than the Grammys. Sad.

Thursday, February 28, 2002

A Family Affair

So the sister has finally got her act together and gotten her blog working. Alas, the third member of the family to join the revolution. I always knew I was a trendsetter. People have amazing dreams of following in my footsteps. Alas, I have big feet.

The brother for once managed to crack a smile on this hunk of a face, as he referred to the sister's blog as execessively paranoid and representative of someone working for "big tobacco." Not everyone in my family is as blindingly trusting of the internet as I, it would seem. I guess I'm not worried about large angry men lusting for me in prison. Hm. Maybe if I put up pics...

Sigh, Cough, Sneeze.

Another night without internet last night, the resnet guy said he was coming over either between 3 and 5 or after 10 so I sat around, but no dice. Hasn't called yet today either. Gr. Argharghargh. Getting over the flu that I've had for the last few days, had the highest fever of my life I'm pretty sure a couple nights ago, finally decided to take something, that helped me at least get a couple hours of sleep a night, but for the most part its been pretty miserable. Being stuck in my room is bad enough but compounding that with no internet is just REALLY irritating.

Only because I was insanely bored I decide to do various stupid things you shouldn't do with the flu yesterday. Went to play my last intramural racquetball match which I narrowly won after blowing several leads and being down 11-14 in the first and 13-14 in the second and saving game points before winning them both. Literally felt like collapsing after that one, but combined with the hard swimming workout I did Monday and being sick for most of this week I've managed to gain some muscle while losing around 5 pounds. Most noticable is my stomach, which feels like I've been doing hardcore ab workouts for weeks because of all the coughing, any time I try to lean forward or cough I can feel the twinge of pain. A good thing in the long run I guess.

Rolled out of bed this morning to go get a midterm back and get more details for the financial analysis project due Tuesday, turns out I did significantly better than the first midterm, so that's always a good sign. Going to have to work pretty hard for that final, probably the most amount of material to study for of any of my classes.

Heh, let out a big sigh just now and randomly this little furball of a stuffed animal fell off its place of prominence on top of my monitor and let out a loud "I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!" Got it for Valentine's day, its one of those things that says something when you squeeze it, quite cute. Quite random the way that happened. Maybe its a sign. Hm.

Monday, February 25, 2002

!@#^&%!@#& INTERNET!!

Okay so I'm in someone else's room slammin away on their kb, thanks to my puter bein on the fritz again. >( Havin the guy come to test the port sometime tomorrow or the next day, but I'll probably jack someone else's cable to make doubly sure that isn't the problem before then. So posts will be sparse for a bit.

Took my final midterm today, think I managed to do better than I thought I would. I have a paper and a financial project due next week, but other than that I'm made in the shade until finals. I also got one back, 13 out of 15, gotta love multiple choice when you at least partly know what you're doing, gotta hate multiple choice when there's a very small number of questions. Things are still on track for a better than ever GPA this quarter, but I always seem to say that and there always tends to be hiccups. The Grammys are on Wednesday, but I'll probably end up taping them so I can head to the acapela, er, acapella, er, a capela, er au capealksdfja, er, yeah anyway, that THING over in IV Theater. Other than that not much gonig on this week, besides me fixing my *&@#$^*&^@#$ connection. Gr.

Sorry for the large gap, I've been getting intermittant errors with my network connection, consisting of XP telling me that my network cable isn't plugged in randomly, and cutting off my connect for hours at a time. Pretty sure its a problem with the resnet connect to my room and not the cable or my ethernet card, since both are working now and have been for the last six months. Quite strange, and incredibly annoying.

Where'd the weekend go? Midterm tomorrow, must study study. Finally got around to watching The Godfather, the first part anyway. Excellent movie, although I was a bit disappointed I think based on the fact that a lot of people feel its the greatest movie of all time, that was a lot to live up to. 6M's out of 7, managed to generate an interesting dream based on one of the stronger murder scenes. No need for details there... More later, gotta tune in to the Closing Ceremonies. :)