Friday, October 25, 2002

Mc Dees and Sleepovers...

All those looking for a good late night deal, I recommend the 99 cent menu over at McDonalds through the 24 hour drive thru. All sorts of yummy things on there (for those who aren't anti-fast food) including the yummy hot fudge sundaes I used to have when I was a kid. Hadn't had one of those in like 10 years before I went the other day. They also have great soft-serve ice cream for just 79 cents, and they pile it up on the cone. Not that any of this is healthy, but when you need a temporary sugar high I highly recommend it. It's really fun rediscovering sights, sounds, tastes, or feelings from your childhood. It's the closest we can come to being a kid again.

Slept pretty terribly last night, it felt like it was 900 degrees in here. This was probably partly due to the fact there were three of us in here, which is definitely two more than normal. The situation started when my friend from upstairs asked if she could have the futon for a night since she was having trouble sleeping upstairs due to a combination of the heat and the light outside that's supposed to be aesthetically pleasing but manages to shine right into her window. Her boyfriend has been living together with her in her single, he graduated recently and is in the grey area between that and getting a job from what I understand. So anyway, we hit the sack shortly after midnight and I'm pretty much gone when someone else comes knockin on the door... Turns out it's her boyfriend, asking if he could sleep down here too, because he can't fall asleep without her. [waits for the groans and vomiting from the peanut gallery to cease] Yeah I know but who am I to make fun, you'll all just say I'm bitter. So I don't really have a choice other than letting him in or kicking them both out, so after making it clear this was a one time thing I relented. Now I know why their room is always so hot, at least partially. I must have woken up at least twice an hour due to either the heat or someone else shifting in their sleep. I tend to prefer total darkness and silence in order to achieve a good night of sleep, and thanks to the morning sun that already gets broken up pretty early on a regular basis.

I don't mind company on a regular basis, but when it comes to being the 5th wheel in a sleeping situation, there's not a whole lot I gain from that. I mean, I can't blame the guy for not wanting his girlfriend to be sleeping alone in some guy's room. But you'd think taking her aside and telling her that before she comes down here would make more sense than joining her. Not like he has anything to worry about from me the only male species on campus choosing to be immune to the opposite gender in general. They seem happy enough, there's enough lovey dovey talk like many couples that has me wanting to vomit on an occasional basis. I personally probably wouldn't be able to handle living with someone in such close quarters on a 24/7 basis, and have no idea how they're managing, but I guess that's testament to the strength of the relationship.

All I gotta say is ever since the brother got kicked out of my room like 10 years ago, I've yet to have a roommate since then, and am in no hurry whatsoever. I guess during the 10 weeks if I do get in I'll have one, but after that it's single only for the rest of my life. Yeah I know the whole wife/girlfriend thing, but I figure they'll be perfectly fine on the futon too! ;) I knew getting more sleeping room in here would bring flocks, this just wasn't the type of flock I was looking for...

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

3AM Conversations...

Have a strange way of keeping me entertained. Had no intention whatsoever of staying up late last night, I knew I was going to have to get up and write a paper the next day due at 2pm, yet I got involved in multiple conversations that were more entertaining than usual.

First I was jabberin away with a friend of mine from high school, and grovelling for forgiveness about the fact that something I'd been close minded to and given her crap for like a year ago was now something I could see her side of. We ended up having fun with Netmeeting as she showed off her webcam and new pad up at Stanford, and getting the usual giggles out of doing silly things for the camera and making strange noises in the microphones.

Somewhere in the middle of that conversation I got an IM from my brother's SN, but it was apparently one of his friends. I do tend to get random IMs from strangers somewhat often as they discover my SN through various search methods or this page. Generally the conversations don't last very long, I tend to lose interest in a hurry. I can't really explain what it is that manages to hold my attention for longer than the usual 4.5 seconds. Some people are just more interesting to chat with than others. Sadly I'm generally a busy person, and many people who might get interesting eventually are brushed aside as soon as I get bored with answering open-ended questions. This one though seemed like a halfway-intelligent person, even though she's hanging out with my brother... So I actually play along and converse with this total stranger for well over an hour while I'm multitasking, and become somewhat interested in her as a person.

Then she makes the mistake of telling me she's similar to my brother in the most negative way possible, that being she is also a smoker. Yeah, I've become open minded about many things in the last few years. When it comes to shortening one's lifespan though, I won't ever see the other side of that. Not only are these people hurting themselves, but eventually they will put a financial and emotional burden on everyone around them, hurting everyone who cares about them as well.

There's just nothing else to say about that. I gave her the abridged version, and then went to bed, not expecting to hear from her again.

Monday, October 21, 2002

Two Beds and a Coffee Machine.

For those who have never heard the Savage Garden song with the above title, I highly recommend snagging it. A nice gentle melody, very relaxing. Today started bright and early around 6 as I got up to study for my 9am quiz... Ended up getting a B on the first one after using the same strategy, and judging from how I felt turning it in I figure I got at least the same on this one. This is the class where the quizzes make up 75% of the grade, so I'm in good shape there. Got an exam-paper due Wednesay in another class and a midterm in a third class on Monday, so it'll be a busy week or two.

Hooray to the Angels for holding on last night and guaranteeing there will be another home game in the series. Hm at least I think it's a 2-2-1-1-1 scenario in baseball. Maybe it's 2-3-2 in which case it wouldn't guarantee anything. Ah well all I know is they're gonna be in boooooo PacBell Park for the next couple games... Seeing all the rallies and stuff on T.V. makes me miss Disneyland, can't wait as usual to head back there for New Years Eve. I wonder where I'll be when the clock strikes 2004... Man, 2003 seems like it's right there, but 2004 seems like a good 5 years away.

Found out I'm already at the weight I'm supposed to be at on the leg press, with a medium amount of effort I can do the 320 or so for a few sets of 10 reps. Took it easy still on everything else, just did a couple sets of huge amounts of reps without huge amounts of weight. The pull-ups sure get harder when you lower the amount of weight that's helping you up... I'm not experiencing much soreness but that's probably a good thing, I'll gradually increase the weight over time until I reach a level that I'm getting a good workout at.

Sunday, October 20, 2002

This Is The Life.

Every time I get bored or am just sort of blah about life in general, I just go for a walk. Tonight I was greeted with a very close to full moon as I wandered the paths around the outer edges of this housing complex. I eventually made my way down to the cliffs overlooking the beach, and was taken aback. The moon was very high in the sky, so the only strong reflection of the moon was on the curve of the waves as they curled and broke near the shore. It was a really awesome effect, something I'd never seen before. The sound of water has always been soothing to me, and I ended up enjoying it for several minutes before the cold began to set in and I made my way back indoors.

I'm truly lucky that all I have to do is walk outside my living space, take a few steps, and am immediately surrounded by beautiful scenery. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, got various assignments due early next week and a quiz Monday as well as a multitude of meetings over the next few days as usual.

Oh and two big thumbs down to the Angels and the Air Force Academy for losing their respective important games today. Lame! :(