Blah Blah Blah
Life during summer school sure isn't too exciting. I can probably sum up the last couple weeks in a few paragraphs. Last Monday I ran my first sub 6 minute mile since high school in a whopping 5:59.74. Didn't make it by much, but that's still pretty awesome. Did a couple more hard workouts then this most recent Sunday ran a workout that consisted of a 1000, 800, 600, and 400, with the first three adding up to the 2400 requirement I'll be doing at OTS. I ran them very hard, and granted there were breaks in between so it's not at all an accurate comparison, but I managed to get under 9 minutes, which is something I've been far from managing previously. My best 2400 running straight through is 9:55 from a couple months ago, but I haven't timed it since then. I'm hoping I'm somewhere in the mid to lower 9s now. The next day I ran down to the beach and then all the way back up to the KEYT tv station which is on top of this huge hill, and had my friends pick me up and drive me back down to save my shins. My right shin still felt pretty sore though, so given it was a hard week I decided to take a couple days off. Staying healthy/in shape is the goal, getting injured is not the goal. I was still feeling it Tuesday and a bit Wednesday, but today I don't feel it at all so I'll probably do an easy run tomorrow and see how it goes.
In other news, I won't be driving to Alabama as predicted, due to the fact the verification I need from my university stating I graduated that I have to take with me won't be available until the day after I was planning to leave. It's still somewhat up in the air though, my friend brought up the idea that it could be overnighted to me somewhere along the way, although since most of the travelling is on a weekend I'm not sure how that would work. The other main problem is I'm not positive about the grades and so forth that I need yet, so nothing is set in stone. I'm having to haggle teachers for letters to the registrar stating my grades won't change to expediate the processing, and do all sorts of fun stuff like that.
Midterms came back and they went well, so I'm feeling pretty confident going into finals. I haven't missed any classes since the midterms so I can be sure that I'll know everything that had been covered in class. Two of them are essay based but I have the review questions of which three will be on the final, so there can't be any surprises. The other class the T/A does a really good job in section going over various kinds of problems that will be on the test, and also will be having another review session similiar to the midterm one where she went over entire tests from the old test booklet of which the actual questions ended up very similar. So overall feeling good about grades.
It will get interesting though, I have a final the 30th and two on the 31st, and the bummer thing is summer session B starts that next Monday the 4th, so I will need to hopefully know my grades by then and know if I need to be registering for second session. I don't see it happening, but you never know. Theoretically if I get the grades I need they'll be able to turn them in with a letter by like the 6th, and I'll be able to pick up the verification I need on like Friday the 8th. Then I'll go home and futz about for the weekend cleaning up my life and then hop on a plane Tuesday morning and suddenly appear in Alabama at some point that evening.
Other than classes not a whole lot going on, random entertainment here and there, been reading some of the books I bought off the recommended Air Force reading list, finished up "The Wild Blue" by Steven Ambrose which was very entertaining, finding out what it was like to fly in WWII makes it simple to figure out how easy people who fly have it today. I'm now working on "Beyond the Wild Blue" by Walter J Boyne, which basically details the history of the Air Force from WWII to basically the present day, covering all the major events and conflicts and leaders and whatnot. By the time I'm done with this decently sized book I should be much better informed going into OTS about those that came before.
Oops time for class again, guess I'll stop hogging the library computer.