Saturday Night Live...
Had a pretty fun couple of days... Was up mighty late last night so no chance to blog, ended up hitting the sack around 3am or so. Reason being I had visitors just about all night, which is always good to cheer me up. Started off with the 9pm tribute to America that was simulcast on about forty channels, saw some really great performances, and heard some of my favorite actors speak. Ali even stepped up to the mic, that was the first time I'd heard him speak publicly since the 96 Olympics... I remember that opening ceremony like it was yesterday, from Celine Dion belting out "Power of the Dream" and thousands of athletes swaying back and forth, to the torch lighting by The Greatest himself. I've always loved the Olympics, I remember we taped the opening ceremonies from the 88 games in Seoul and I would watch it before soccer games to psych me up, was only about 8 at the time. Nothing like watching a movie like Rudy or something of the sort to make oneself feel the courage to go run a marathon.
Anyway back to the performance, that was really great and ended around 11pm, but a girl who had stopped by to watch it with me ended up staying until the wee hours of the morning, as we talked about everything from "most disgusting thing about the opposite sex" to opinions on controversial issues. I just met her a few days ago when I was fixing her computer (along with everyone else's) but she seems like a really great all around person.
Today I got the motivation to head out to the RecCen and pretend like I'm still in shape... Did about four laps of the long pool and literally felt like my arms were going to fall off... Breathing was tough too, I'm definitely not in the shape I was when training for SCUBA last year. Going to try to make that a daily thing, classes don't start until 10am on a daily basis for me so there should be time beforehand to get in some exercise. My previous training partner is living with his previous ex but now back together again girlfriend, and working a lot, so he hasn't been available as much as the old days. Going to have to snag someone else to work out regularly with most likely, going as a pair always helps attendance anyway. Besides which its hard to play racquetball against oneself.
Turns out intramurals don't start until Oct 10th or somewhere in that area, going to be Wednesday nights anywhere fomr 9-12pm. That worked out well, Wednesdays tend to be pretty uneventful normally, will be good to have a dedicated time to get some good exercise. Apparently we have like twelve people on the team, and I'm guess its something like six a side, but then again not everyone will show up regularly. I hate subbing, except when I'm dead tired. :)
Saw quite the excellent movie tonight, a sneak preview of Hearts in Atlantis, least I think that's the exact title. The main reason was it stars Anthony Hopkins, probably my all-time favorite actor. He could be dressed up in a skirt and dancing ballet and I would still go see the movie. Quite a touching movie, although there was the usual scene about "puppy love" that made me sniffle a bit. If only things came together so easily in the Real World. Went to the only theater on State Street I hadn't been to, the Metropolitan 4 I think its called, was quite nice. Comfortable seats, moreso than a couple of the others I've been to anyway. Went to get tickets early for me and a couple female friends of mine who lived above me last year, ended up a pretty packed house, was the only showing since it was a sneak preview. Quite a mixed age range of a crowd as well, the movie had excellent themes for all ages.
Flipped on MTV just now "That's Just the Way it Is" is playing. I say that sometimes, and generally immediately feel that I'm wrong, that something can be done to change things. I have this necklace that one of my friends gave me from Hawaii, she said it had a special meaning there, and could be worn in times when luck was needed. Ever since last Tuesday its been on my neck. The wait continues.
Friday, September 21, 2001
Talk about non-exciting days. Spent the last two hours before I went to sleep last night tracking down the source of a virus I discovered on my computer, updating Norton, finding out the virus was only two days old, and discovering it on about twenty computers over the network including the one who sent it to me. Spent just about the whole day today wandering around cleaning other people's computer of the virus, just to save other people the trouble, I guess. Some people were really nice about it, thanked me and all, others were like "how long is this going to take." Grrr. Gotta love the unappreciative types. Helped me meet some more people though, learn some more names, socialize a bit...
For those of you who think its intelligent to run an e-mail attachment called "README.exe" save yourself the trouble and just start sledgehammering your forehead repeatedly. For those of you who are that intelligent though, feel free to drop me a line and I'll point you to a relatively easy solution.
They need to start serving alfredo at the DC. It's much preferred over marinara. Yet they have that like every day and alfredo like once every two weeks max. Gr.
Managed to smash my head twice in about ten minutes on one of my friend's bed that she has lofted above her desk as I tried to fix a "windows protection error" she had run into, totally unrelated to the virus going around. That was intelligent.
Talk about non-exciting days. Spent the last two hours before I went to sleep last night tracking down the source of a virus I discovered on my computer, updating Norton, finding out the virus was only two days old, and discovering it on about twenty computers over the network including the one who sent it to me. Spent just about the whole day today wandering around cleaning other people's computer of the virus, just to save other people the trouble, I guess. Some people were really nice about it, thanked me and all, others were like "how long is this going to take." Grrr. Gotta love the unappreciative types. Helped me meet some more people though, learn some more names, socialize a bit...
For those of you who think its intelligent to run an e-mail attachment called "README.exe" save yourself the trouble and just start sledgehammering your forehead repeatedly. For those of you who are that intelligent though, feel free to drop me a line and I'll point you to a relatively easy solution.
They need to start serving alfredo at the DC. It's much preferred over marinara. Yet they have that like every day and alfredo like once every two weeks max. Gr.
Managed to smash my head twice in about ten minutes on one of my friend's bed that she has lofted above her desk as I tried to fix a "windows protection error" she had run into, totally unrelated to the virus going around. That was intelligent.
Thursday, September 20, 2001
Um, yeah, okay.
Some movies just invoke that kind of response. Magnolia was the best example of such a movie. Some people feel that the script was groundbreaking. I feel that it made no logical sense whatsoever. Maybe that's the point. That the movie was supposed to be scenes that were played out one after the other showing no linkage whatsoever other than all the characters singing the same not so great song halfway through. Anyway, that one was a waste of three hours of my time a year or so ago. Tonight I witnessed another such movie, although this one was better. Cradle Will Rock is set during the Deperssion, and follows around five or six storylines that eventually link up during the performance of a play with the movie's title. I think the only reason I found this movie bearable was due to the actors in it, a few of which I generally enjoy. Joan and John Cusack, Susan Sarandon, and Bill Murray all played major characters in the film and gave it at least some life. Basically it was just too deep for me, I guess. I like movies that are logical, that don't require thought into the deepest symbolical meaning of certain objects. I guess I'm a simpleton in that respect. Anyway.
Played a few hours of Black & White today, qutie an excellent computer game. I recommend all those of you who purchase it to immediately install the 1.1 patch available on their website, it fixes a lot of the bugs and problems with the game that make it almost unbearable to play otherwise. I was playing a ripped version a few months ago and thus couldn't instlal the patch, and it was really frustrating, much more enjoyable this time around. Same guy across the hall whom I borrowed the CD from also has The Sims and the two expansion sets for it Livin Large and House Party, so will probably end up jackin those temporarily off him as well, that's another quite enjoyable game. Both cause me to be in control of lots of little people. Wonder if there's a subliminal message there, or something.
Arm still recovering from racquetball yesterday, decided to give it a days rest before going at it again, its hard enough to type at the typical warp speeds with my right wrist muscles feeling like they're lifting three times the normal weight. Also turns out a bunch of the guys on my hall play soccer, so we're gonna form up an intramural team, sounds like loads of fun, who knows might actually get me in shape. The guy across the hall from me runs around seventy miles a week during training for cross country, DAYAM. I remember those days. Being fifty pounds lighter helped. That makes it sound like I'm an ogre now, the fact that I was a total stick then is closer to the truth.
Still all quiet on the western front... No word...
Some movies just invoke that kind of response. Magnolia was the best example of such a movie. Some people feel that the script was groundbreaking. I feel that it made no logical sense whatsoever. Maybe that's the point. That the movie was supposed to be scenes that were played out one after the other showing no linkage whatsoever other than all the characters singing the same not so great song halfway through. Anyway, that one was a waste of three hours of my time a year or so ago. Tonight I witnessed another such movie, although this one was better. Cradle Will Rock is set during the Deperssion, and follows around five or six storylines that eventually link up during the performance of a play with the movie's title. I think the only reason I found this movie bearable was due to the actors in it, a few of which I generally enjoy. Joan and John Cusack, Susan Sarandon, and Bill Murray all played major characters in the film and gave it at least some life. Basically it was just too deep for me, I guess. I like movies that are logical, that don't require thought into the deepest symbolical meaning of certain objects. I guess I'm a simpleton in that respect. Anyway.
Played a few hours of Black & White today, qutie an excellent computer game. I recommend all those of you who purchase it to immediately install the 1.1 patch available on their website, it fixes a lot of the bugs and problems with the game that make it almost unbearable to play otherwise. I was playing a ripped version a few months ago and thus couldn't instlal the patch, and it was really frustrating, much more enjoyable this time around. Same guy across the hall whom I borrowed the CD from also has The Sims and the two expansion sets for it Livin Large and House Party, so will probably end up jackin those temporarily off him as well, that's another quite enjoyable game. Both cause me to be in control of lots of little people. Wonder if there's a subliminal message there, or something.
Arm still recovering from racquetball yesterday, decided to give it a days rest before going at it again, its hard enough to type at the typical warp speeds with my right wrist muscles feeling like they're lifting three times the normal weight. Also turns out a bunch of the guys on my hall play soccer, so we're gonna form up an intramural team, sounds like loads of fun, who knows might actually get me in shape. The guy across the hall from me runs around seventy miles a week during training for cross country, DAYAM. I remember those days. Being fifty pounds lighter helped. That makes it sound like I'm an ogre now, the fact that I was a total stick then is closer to the truth.
Still all quiet on the western front... No word...
Wednesday, September 19, 2001
I'm So Clebber...
Had a revelation tonight, if I log entries shortly after midnight instead of shortly before, it'll be much easier to think and I won't feel time constratined, and if I happen to miss a night I'll still have the next day/evening to catch up. So yeah, expect entries in the 12-1am range in the future (all you mass hordes of people that are reading this, I mean).
Went to see Comedy Sportz tonight, a improv competition kind of thing much like the T.V. show "Whose Line is it Anyway?". The people who do it are just amazing, at one point they had someone leave the room and after taking suggestions from the audience brought them back in and had to act out the words without speaking... Eventually within about three minutes they managed to get one of the women to say "discombobulated astroturf defencerated" or something close to that. I was pretty flabbergasted.
Woke up around eleven today, and a few minutes later was treated to the lovely sounds of the trash truck crashing bins around outside my window. This is actually a good sign however, last year every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at around nine am they would come, and it was the worst possible natural alarm you could come up with. Hopefully this year they've rearranged their schedule. I hope so.
Had a revelation tonight, if I log entries shortly after midnight instead of shortly before, it'll be much easier to think and I won't feel time constratined, and if I happen to miss a night I'll still have the next day/evening to catch up. So yeah, expect entries in the 12-1am range in the future (all you mass hordes of people that are reading this, I mean).
Went to see Comedy Sportz tonight, a improv competition kind of thing much like the T.V. show "Whose Line is it Anyway?". The people who do it are just amazing, at one point they had someone leave the room and after taking suggestions from the audience brought them back in and had to act out the words without speaking... Eventually within about three minutes they managed to get one of the women to say "discombobulated astroturf defencerated" or something close to that. I was pretty flabbergasted.
Woke up around eleven today, and a few minutes later was treated to the lovely sounds of the trash truck crashing bins around outside my window. This is actually a good sign however, last year every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at around nine am they would come, and it was the worst possible natural alarm you could come up with. Hopefully this year they've rearranged their schedule. I hope so.
Tuesday, September 18, 2001
Like, WoW.
I know, I know, I skipped a day. Well not really, I'm just writing this about an hour later than usual. I have a damn good reason though... Just returned from one of the coolest evenings I've had in quite some time.
Had just finished fixin up some interenet connections for people (well some got fixed, had to point some others to a higher power) and was putzing about in my room when I heard from a good friend of mine whom I've known for the last couple years here at the univ. She lived on the floor above me during my first year and although she's been off campus the most recent two years we've still met up from time to time for a late night carrow's run or a midday chit chat. She was bored tonight, and a bit depressed, so I recommended heading out to a nice dinner someplace. I did bring one decently spiffy outfit with me here, so I basically insisted we get spiffed up for the occasion. :)
I suggested Aldo's, an italian place on State street downtown that I'd heard was good, but she mentioned a place called the Brown Pelican right on the ocean that she'd been to a week or two ago with some friends.
This restaurant single handedly is the most romantic restaurant I have ever been to! We're talkin right on the water, with nothing but about thirty yards of sand between you and the gentle crashing of the waves. We're talkin candlelight outside patio, with scenic plants and decorative lighting among them. We're talkin lamps with flames on top, lightning heaters that keep the whole place toasty warm. We're talkin massive cliffs along one side, with just a beautiful view in all directions. Look up, and all you see is stars, stars, and more stars. You'll have to excuse me there, in L.A. where I've lived most of my life stars are a rarity due to smog and such. Anyway, I splurged for the eighteen dollar halibut (hell how often am I at a place this nice) and it was just divine. She had the seafood penne, also very delicious with a fabulous sauce. Afterwards we wandered the beach for a bit before snaggin some ice cream and headin home.
Now don't get me wrong, this is just a "friend who's a girl" rather than vice versa. Most of my friends are female, and almost all of them have covered the "you're like a brother to me" territory at some point or another. I'm one of those people where when someone asks a friend of mine "is he hot" they will generally respond, "he's really nice..." :) Or as others have put it "you're not UNattractive... but not drop dead gorgeous either." I'm in definite agreement there, I fit the definition of average pretty well. Average looks, average body. The perfect person for me is going to have to be someone who looks deeper than the common superficiality that others stop at.
I think the evening cheered us both up, I had a blast. Definitely going to have to keep that place in mind for the next time I have a mutual romantic interest though... Can't think of a better place for a date. Prices were in the $12-20 range, in my opinion pretty cheap given the luxury of the surroundings and service.
All in all was a pretty great day, met some cool people on the floor above me while fixing their comps, took care of a bunch of errands, fixed my bike, got a lot accomplished. Looking forward to trying to top today, tomorrow. :)
I know, I know, I skipped a day. Well not really, I'm just writing this about an hour later than usual. I have a damn good reason though... Just returned from one of the coolest evenings I've had in quite some time.
Had just finished fixin up some interenet connections for people (well some got fixed, had to point some others to a higher power) and was putzing about in my room when I heard from a good friend of mine whom I've known for the last couple years here at the univ. She lived on the floor above me during my first year and although she's been off campus the most recent two years we've still met up from time to time for a late night carrow's run or a midday chit chat. She was bored tonight, and a bit depressed, so I recommended heading out to a nice dinner someplace. I did bring one decently spiffy outfit with me here, so I basically insisted we get spiffed up for the occasion. :)
I suggested Aldo's, an italian place on State street downtown that I'd heard was good, but she mentioned a place called the Brown Pelican right on the ocean that she'd been to a week or two ago with some friends.
This restaurant single handedly is the most romantic restaurant I have ever been to! We're talkin right on the water, with nothing but about thirty yards of sand between you and the gentle crashing of the waves. We're talkin candlelight outside patio, with scenic plants and decorative lighting among them. We're talkin lamps with flames on top, lightning heaters that keep the whole place toasty warm. We're talkin massive cliffs along one side, with just a beautiful view in all directions. Look up, and all you see is stars, stars, and more stars. You'll have to excuse me there, in L.A. where I've lived most of my life stars are a rarity due to smog and such. Anyway, I splurged for the eighteen dollar halibut (hell how often am I at a place this nice) and it was just divine. She had the seafood penne, also very delicious with a fabulous sauce. Afterwards we wandered the beach for a bit before snaggin some ice cream and headin home.
Now don't get me wrong, this is just a "friend who's a girl" rather than vice versa. Most of my friends are female, and almost all of them have covered the "you're like a brother to me" territory at some point or another. I'm one of those people where when someone asks a friend of mine "is he hot" they will generally respond, "he's really nice..." :) Or as others have put it "you're not UNattractive... but not drop dead gorgeous either." I'm in definite agreement there, I fit the definition of average pretty well. Average looks, average body. The perfect person for me is going to have to be someone who looks deeper than the common superficiality that others stop at.
I think the evening cheered us both up, I had a blast. Definitely going to have to keep that place in mind for the next time I have a mutual romantic interest though... Can't think of a better place for a date. Prices were in the $12-20 range, in my opinion pretty cheap given the luxury of the surroundings and service.
All in all was a pretty great day, met some cool people on the floor above me while fixing their comps, took care of a bunch of errands, fixed my bike, got a lot accomplished. Looking forward to trying to top today, tomorrow. :)
Sunday, September 16, 2001
Man, what a day. Up at 6am, workin by 7, all the way through around 3pm, then helpin people bunk their beds and in general get their rooms organized until around 6. Had an absolute blast though, met even more people than last year. Its funny, I expected "smaller" people, given I'm now third year and all the first years are those I help out, but they seemed like they were all my age, go figure. Maybe I'm just a kid at heart.
Met someone from my high school, that was pretty random, turns out she knows my brother (two years younger now at CSULB). Ran into some old friends who I knew from last year, that was neat, a lot of them have changed (in all the right ways of course).
As a whole, I must say the female entering class is much better looking than last year. At least in my building anyway. Seemed friendlier too, or maybe it was me that was friendlier, who knows. Last year there were about 2 people in the whole building that I felt were worth a second glance, this year is definitely not quite so dreadful. We'll see how it goes. Tends to not matter how terribly gorgeous I think anyone is, if they don't think I'm worth the time of day. Think positive, though.
Waiting here for Deja Vu to call me back, had a bacon cheeseburger and Sprite delivered, dining commons not open tonight.
And no sooner do I type the words... (takes a big bite of a mozzerella stick). Mmmmmm.
Not the healthiest food in the world, but I've never been one to complain. Looking forward to playing racquetball again and gettin in the pool... Could probably drop at least ten pounds in the first month, maybe fifteen.
Course, then there's like classes to attend and stuff. Did the math again on my grades, had been kind of bumming out all summer because I wasn't sure if I could mathematically still get into my major (certain gpa required in the premajor classes) but it turns out that with a stellar performance this quarter it could happen...
I swear, at least seventy five people asked me if I was the r/a today... I'm wearin the bright red shirt all the Move In Crew were wearing, but I don't see myself as looking all that offical or anything... Funny thing is it turns out my r/a is a sophomore this year, a year below me. Seems like a lot more people are coming to me to ask questions about bunking beds or connecting internet or any other manner of stuff than are going to him. Go figure. Not that I mind, its nice to feel important. :)
Surprised myself today, actually spoke up at the big first hall meeting, instead of staring at the ground and trying not to make eye contact when the r/a asked for volunteers for stuff. Turns out I'm now the "Hall Historian" which basically involves taking a lot of pictures of everything and everyone throughout the year. I love taking pictures, so I figure why not, that'll force me to attend a lot more events than last year, socialize, get to know everyone and have everyone know me, sounded like a fun job. Also turned in a form to say I was interested in the "Residence Hall Peer Review Board" which basically are the people who hear cases about breaches in residential policy and is filled with student reps who make the decisions for the resolutions of the case. They work with adult supervisors and some of the main residence hall staff as well but play a major role in the process. Meets only once a week I think, I'll have to see when the time is to check for any conflict, but that actually sounds quite interesting. So who knows, maybe I'll be a lot more involved than usual. College is half over, gotta start branchin out sometime...
Ah and alas, "One More Time" by Daft Punk is blasting somewhere down in the vicinity of the Ice Cream Social/Dance area. I do believe its time to go bust a move. ;)
Man, what a day. Up at 6am, workin by 7, all the way through around 3pm, then helpin people bunk their beds and in general get their rooms organized until around 6. Had an absolute blast though, met even more people than last year. Its funny, I expected "smaller" people, given I'm now third year and all the first years are those I help out, but they seemed like they were all my age, go figure. Maybe I'm just a kid at heart.
Met someone from my high school, that was pretty random, turns out she knows my brother (two years younger now at CSULB). Ran into some old friends who I knew from last year, that was neat, a lot of them have changed (in all the right ways of course).
As a whole, I must say the female entering class is much better looking than last year. At least in my building anyway. Seemed friendlier too, or maybe it was me that was friendlier, who knows. Last year there were about 2 people in the whole building that I felt were worth a second glance, this year is definitely not quite so dreadful. We'll see how it goes. Tends to not matter how terribly gorgeous I think anyone is, if they don't think I'm worth the time of day. Think positive, though.
Waiting here for Deja Vu to call me back, had a bacon cheeseburger and Sprite delivered, dining commons not open tonight.
And no sooner do I type the words... (takes a big bite of a mozzerella stick). Mmmmmm.
Not the healthiest food in the world, but I've never been one to complain. Looking forward to playing racquetball again and gettin in the pool... Could probably drop at least ten pounds in the first month, maybe fifteen.
Course, then there's like classes to attend and stuff. Did the math again on my grades, had been kind of bumming out all summer because I wasn't sure if I could mathematically still get into my major (certain gpa required in the premajor classes) but it turns out that with a stellar performance this quarter it could happen...
I swear, at least seventy five people asked me if I was the r/a today... I'm wearin the bright red shirt all the Move In Crew were wearing, but I don't see myself as looking all that offical or anything... Funny thing is it turns out my r/a is a sophomore this year, a year below me. Seems like a lot more people are coming to me to ask questions about bunking beds or connecting internet or any other manner of stuff than are going to him. Go figure. Not that I mind, its nice to feel important. :)
Surprised myself today, actually spoke up at the big first hall meeting, instead of staring at the ground and trying not to make eye contact when the r/a asked for volunteers for stuff. Turns out I'm now the "Hall Historian" which basically involves taking a lot of pictures of everything and everyone throughout the year. I love taking pictures, so I figure why not, that'll force me to attend a lot more events than last year, socialize, get to know everyone and have everyone know me, sounded like a fun job. Also turned in a form to say I was interested in the "Residence Hall Peer Review Board" which basically are the people who hear cases about breaches in residential policy and is filled with student reps who make the decisions for the resolutions of the case. They work with adult supervisors and some of the main residence hall staff as well but play a major role in the process. Meets only once a week I think, I'll have to see when the time is to check for any conflict, but that actually sounds quite interesting. So who knows, maybe I'll be a lot more involved than usual. College is half over, gotta start branchin out sometime...
Ah and alas, "One More Time" by Daft Punk is blasting somewhere down in the vicinity of the Ice Cream Social/Dance area. I do believe its time to go bust a move. ;)