Thursday, May 13, 2004

More Space, Fewer Problems...

The comp was down for a while over the last couple days as I made some changes to the hardware. The new sound card arrived as well as another 250gb drive which will allow me to use the previous solely for backups for the most part, to avoid any further fiascos with lost data. Unfortunately with my new case to remove or add screws to the far side of the drives requires taking off the backside of the case, which in turn requires detaching the motherboard from basically everything, since it's screwed directly into the back wall of the case. This had been something I was planning to do along the way anyway, in order to redo some of the wiring in that area and hide most of it behind the motherboard. The result is a much cleaner looking viewable side, with the focus being on the light show rather than the mess of cables. Somehow I managed to put it all back together and power it up and have everything work on the first try, something that usually doesn't happen. I'm up to 620GB total, which should last me quite some time. These adjustments pretty much finished off the interior, the only remaining hardware item missing is the video card, which I should be adding within a month or two upon its release. Backed up the main data drive onto the old 250gb that had the lost data issue, so barring the whole apartment burning down (knock on wood) I'll be safe from random drive failures in the future.

The last few days of JSUNT have been pretty uneventful, just various classes for API which we finally finished up today so we can take the test tomorrow morning. Most of it was about weather, with some pretty basic stuff about airplane instruments and so forth as well. Not a whole lot we didn't already know, other than going a bit more in depth into weather than we had previously in NIFT, and going over some of the instruments that will be in our panel that we hadn't seen previously. Following the test we move on to the next phase of Introduction to Navigation or IN as everyone calls it, where we'll get more into the nitty gritty of the nav logs and what we'll be doing on a regular basis.

I also found out I'll have to go to Brooks for an examination to accompany my waiver package before they confirm/deny it. Doing some research through their website showed that of the 162 or so AF personnel in the database with substandard depth perception, all but four were given waivers, and of those four none were solely due to the depth perception problem. So other than a few more hoops to jump through I'm not all that worried about the final result. As usual worst comes to worst I'd get rolled back a class, which just means more sitting around.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Today's "Idiot" Award...

Shoutout to the person residing in the Santa Ynez apartments at UCSB connecting through

They decided to be slick and sign me up for various e-mail listings such as a Russian bride mailing list, and were unfortunately too stupid to realize that in the confirmation e-mail that would be sent to me to confirm it was in fact me who made the request (which it obviously wasn't and is why they send confirmation e-mails in the first place) it would say "Request was made on Wed May 12 05:50:57 2004 (Moscow time) from IP-address" Go figure, that's the same IP that's been screwing around with the GuestMap whose posts I just deleted there as well.

So I was kind enough to send the network admin at SB an e-mail informing them of the various things that person has been doing. Unfortunately I'm not able to see when their connection actually gets shut off, I can only hope they give me some more ammo to use in case it doesn't happen shortly.

Nothing more satisfying than putting idiots in their place.

Feel free to post more on the GuestMap those of you who do actually have brains, always nice to see where people have ended up or are currently located.

More later, class is calling.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Woah, Blogger Went Nuts.

Totally new format to the page, interesting new interface, major changes from the previous. So far I think I like the changes, interesting that right on the main page it says my blog has 541 posts. Given it's been up for over 2.5 years I'm averaging a little more than one every other day. I've got about 50 more pages of 2003 to go through and edit, which should go pretty quick since I was in training most of the time, then I'll zip through this year and finally be done with the Word doc of the whole thing. Edited for spelling and grammar, chronological, and very, very long. Also just about done with siphoning out all the Air Force related posts through OTS, for those curious about the process and so forth arriving at the page and not wanting to sift through all the "other stuff." E-mail or IM is a good way to acquire either file, although I can't imagine why you'd want the first unless you're well, really bored?

Didn't accomplish much this weekend, but caught up on sleep so that was good. Tomorrow we have a 0700 call time at the BX parking lot and no one knows why. Rumors of initiation of some sort but I'm guessing we're being voluntold to do something. Then unfortunately it's a full day of classes, about more stuff we already know for the most part because of NIFT. We have yet another test this Friday though, so I'll have to be digesting it all as it comes. I hear this one is a lot harder, who knows maybe making it more difficult will help me ace it. Yeah, that makes sense.

Did I mention how cool wearing flight suits all day is? The idea of having to wear blues or BDUs now, or worse yet being in corporate america in a nice shirt and tie, really makes me want to upchuck.