Three For the Price of Free... always a good deal. Managed just that thanks to a friend of mine down near Irvine today, who had connections at the local theater. We ended up seeing a couple scary flicks, then when she left for another commitment I decided to stay for a third, largely because I didn't want to drive home by myself in the dark after the first two. :)
First up was The Ring which is definitely the freakiest movie I've seen in quite a while. I'm the type that never closes my eyes, but quite often plugs my ears. I can handle the gory or scary visuals, it's just the WHAM in your face sounds after drawn out spooky music that gets me. I think the reason it bothered me so much was the fact that there wasn't really any downtime, it was just constant spookyness. The infamous video itself has some pretty creepy visuals, and without giving away too much of the movie, there's some pretty scary lookin faces involved as well. The little boy actor was quite good, not quite the level of Osment, but very impressive. Creeped me out plenty. We'll go with 5 M's out of 7 because it does have a few twists that I didn't expect, and it succeeded in freaking me out and will probably give me a nightmare or two over the next few days.
Second on the plate was Wes Craven's They. After seeing the first movie this one was pretty much a letdown. Some scary moments, but overall just not the same level of plot or spookiness. Besides which the lead actress had a really bad haircut, and was much too thin! Not to be picky. Real women have curves okay. Eh, 3 M's I guess, if you're bored and need a ninety minute quickie freakshow.
So after coming out of those and not having any plans afterward since my friend was moving on to bigger and better things (no bitterness there really) I decided to pick up the latest Disney movie, Treasure Planet. Main beef I had with this one was there was only 1 song! I guess not all animated Disney movies are musicals. The main plus this one gets though is it contains the cutest Disney character of all time, Morphie. If there's a reason to go see this movie, Morphie is it. So cute I could just squeeeesh him. Outside that character there's nothing particularly special about this movie, all the predictable plot elements you expect from Disney. We'll go with 4 M's here.
Yeah I know I give out a ton of 4 M's, but here's my theory there. If I actually went to a theater and spent time and effort seeing it, it's probably going to at least get to the "entertaining" rating. When I can tell movies are going to suck, I avoid wasting time and/or money. Occasionally movies dip into the 3 M's range, generally because I theater hopped to them due to lacking better choices. More often movies bump up into the 5 M range, with the occasional 6, and the VERY rare 7. So when you see 4 M's, assume entertaining, generally worth a bargain matinee. Higher ratings mean worth full price, and in some cases, even more.
Wee early morning hours, the brother seems to have arrived home with various females to watch a movie, who knows I might sit here and be entertained by their antics. Case in point, one of them just announced she needed a blanket because her nipples were sticking out of her nightshirt. Apparently they're spending the night. Always nonstop entertainment around here. Heading back up to school tomorrow, er later on today, who knows when, I'll probably try to avoid traffic in one way or another. No point in going to sleep just yet, when mad giggling would keep me up anyway.