Monday, December 02, 2002

Don't Break A Leg...

Usually the opposite is said, but I'd rather not jinx myself the day before heading off to probably the most important physical I'll ever experience. Managing to suffer some sort of injury today would delay the whole process weeks, maybe even months, and could even disqualify me permanently. Needless to say I won't be going rock climbing today, or diving off any high objects.

I'm blogging from a friend's room today, a rare occurence. One of the cool things about coming over here is that there is always multiple partially completed crossword puzzles sitting around waiting for people to contribute. I pride myself in being able to contribute at least one answer to every puzzle, although I occasionally get shut out.

Drove up the 1 last night during the sunset, and made attempts to take a few pictures while plowing along at highway speeds. Might give a pretty cool blur effect, or a car might have passed by during the shot and blocked the whole thing. We'll see how lucky I am. The father has been playing around with his latest toy, a Canon G2 digital camera. Seems to be quite the impressive picture taker, but at a pretty hefty price tag. I was asked what I wanted for Christmas, and this year that's proving to be quite a conundrum. Lots of stuff I don't really need, but wouldn't mind having, come to mind, but the stuff I need really come first. Whenever asked about gifts I always reply with stuff like "well I need toothpaste, and I'm out of shampoo, and uh..." Meanwhile the brother is busy demanding hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise, and offering ultimatums about what will happen if he doesn't get it. Rumor has it he's going to acquire a new car, which will be like his 4th in the last few years, whereas I just moved to my 2nd a short time ago, and it's a '93 Minivan, not exactly a 2002 whatever it is he's planning to buy. Heh, I say he, when of course a very very minor portion is actually his money. His money mostly goes to supply his addiction, not leaving much for non-retarded ventures.

PINK TOENAILS! Ah the art of the segway. My friend's toes are much more exciting than being bitter about other topics. She's making fun of the way I analyze situations carefully ponder all available solutions and then eventually choose one. Her laptop was too close to the end of her desk, so I had to move it backwards so my whole arm could rest on the desk without the edge digging into any veins, and apparently watching me come up with a solution to the problem was more interesting than usual. I've always been able to provide entertainment for people, not always intentionally.

I sleep so much better at school compared to at home it's ridiculous. I'm not entirely sure why. I sleep bunked up on my bed, which has a normal sized matress but no boxsprings, so it just has a slab of wood underneath. You'd think that would be less comfortable than my trundle bed at home. Maybe it's the temperature, my room never gets all that warm here, whereas at home even with the window open I'm in the hottest room in the house. Then again maybe it's the traffic, at home people are always up and about and slamming doors and having loud conversations in the hallways, whereas here when my door closes, it's totally silent other than the whir of my computer fans all night. Then again maybe it's the light level, I prefer total darkness, and it's closer to that here than it is at home since the front porch is outside my window and that light is on a lot. Or maybe I prefer sleeping at great heights compared to next to the floor. Hm.

I have to fast starting at like 6pm tonight, that should be nice and lame. More when there's more.