Gobble Gobble.
Made my way down to the Irvine area night for turkey day, representing the young-uns of the family since my brother had to work and my sister was up spending time with her in-laws to be in Santa Rosa. Much food was had by all, which probably ruins the fact that I was down to 189 this morning. :) Went to check out Die Another Day last night with the father, the 20th in the infamous series about James Bond. Wasn't too high on the "realistic" scale, but still had some pretty cool stunts. I can't say I liked it as much as some of the others though, a few too many one liners, sexual references, and entirely impossible sequences for my taste. Still 4 M's out of 7, I guess because it's part of the legacy.
I heard from my recruiter and found out my interview was rediscovered, and I won't have to redo it. That leaves the Flight Physical on Tuesday as the last big hurdle I have to get over before my package goes to the Board again in January. I should find out while I'm taking it if anything major goes wrong, and if not a month later when the official word comes back from the Surgeon General.
I've discovered that one of my buddies is a Jeopardy afficionado; always fun finding trivia buffs with which to compete on a regular basis, occasionally saluting them for their greatness, usually stomping, crying, whining and claiming cheating took place whenever a loss occurs. :/ We spent some time playing online when equally bored over the last couple days, we seem to know about a lot of the same stuff. She's a CS major, which automatically gets her big bonus points in my book. She's one of the ppl who's been in a relationship for 23489734 years though, so there won't be any worrying about how many points she's at overall. For some reason it has always been easy for me to categorize people who are unavailable, and never give it a second thought. Most people call me a liar when I say I've never even considered the idea, and I'm not going to act like I'm totally immune, but it's just not something I think about. It's funny, there were like five females in my room the other day and an R/A walked by on rounds and made a comment about how I "had it goin on" and I didn't really know what he was talking about until I realized the guy/girl ratio. For me it was irrelevant, since everyone in the room had either long term boyfriends or current flames. That's just sort of the way things tend to be these days, everyone's either paired off, or too busy sleeping with everyone to settle down. Alas.
One of these days/weeks/months/years/lifetimes I'll find someone compatible who likes a lot of the same stuff, who isn't currently occupied. What's the rush, anyway.