Rain On A Saturday?
I thought there was some sort of unwritten rule about that being an impossible occurence in Santa Barbara. Alas, we are apparently not immune. Today's song plug goes to Sheryl Crow, and the song she performed both at the 9/21/01 Tribute to America concert, and this year's MTV VMA's. It's called "Safe and Sound" and it's been on repetition in my playlist for a while. I tend to put the latest 6 or so songs I've downloaded into the bottom of the playlist, and repeat them til I get bored, by which time I've usually downloaded something new and can bump out the oldest one. This one really displays her vocal talent, quite fun to pretend like I'm capable of singing along. :)
Also have a movie review, last night I finally watched Memento. Luckily even though various plot elements had been blown for me in advance, it ended up not being as detrimental as I thought originally. The plot was carefully contrived, and the way the movie plays out is unlike any other I've seen. Going to go with 5 M's out of 7 here, only because of the amount of thinking that's required. You have to really be paying attention, and remembering how things went earlier in the movie, in order to understand the entire plot as a whole as it all comes together towards the end. The idea of having no short term memory seems to me a worse sentence than being deaf or blind. I would rather be either of the latter, than be incapable of remembering the people who are close to me.
Might actually FINALLY see Signs over the next couple of days, it's playing downtown still and I don't have any real plans.