Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Life In Paradise...

Has been relatively boring, actually... Hasn't been a whole lot to blog about, so I haven't been. Just a whole lot of shaking hands, whole lot of "Hi I'm Matt," whole lot of "So where you from?" and all the usual first week of school business. Met some interesting people so far, along with some more people from my building, and everything seems to be smooth sailing. Got my parking permit squared away, so my car's in its rightful place in B2. Also finally picked up my verification of graduation from the Registrar's office, planning to fax that over to the recruiter's office tomorrow at some point, and finally be done with my package. In the meanwhile been pondering how to improve my room, already appears I'll be able to temporarily borrow someone's nice big fridge for the year, which probably won't see tons of use, but at least get some. Trying to decide the best thing to put under my bed, the coolest idea by far is the concept of a futon, but those are pretty expensive. It would be able to be used once I'm in my own place though, so might be a good long term investment.

For those hoping to hear stories about me finding someone "important," all I can say is I've been introduced to just as many girls as I have their boyfriends. Strangely haven't even had anyone catch my eye, even though my window looks out on the main thoroughfare on the way to campus and the dining commons. Ah well, a long year ahead. Besides, barely anyone knows about my movie collection yet! ;)