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Six weeks behind the times at least, finally joined the crowd in going to see Signs. I'd actually heard a lot of mixed reviews, so it ended up being better than I expected. Not really in your face booyah launch you out of your seat scary, just pretty suspenseful throughout. Logistically, it didn't make much sense at all, but the concept of aliens wandering around isn't exactly realistic in today's day and age either. We'll go with 4 M's, it was creepy enough to make me be glad I don't live in the middle of nowhere. The acting by the children was pretty amazing, really helped set the mood. Not exactly at the caliber of a Hayley Joel Osment, but not too shabby in their own right. Also turned on Panic Room at what appeared to be about a half hour in last night on the RHA channel where they basically just show nonstop movies, which was decent. Only so much you can do with the concept though, there wasn't much depth to it. This one gets 3 M's, although I generally give higher ratings to Jodie Foster's performances, this one fell pretty flat. Some intense slow motion scenes that magnified the height of the action, but it got pretty repetitive.
Third day of classes today, which is my second longest day of the week. Monday Wednesday and Friday start off with a morning Econ 100A Microeconomics lecture, which so far is just regurgitating stuff I already knew, so I'll probably spend the time reading the book and working on the workbook during lectures, paying more attention if he actually covers something I haven't already learned 3 times in Acadec, Micro/Macro AP, and the Econ 1 and 2 courses. There are pop quizzes in that class though, as well as about scheduled ones every few weeks that end up being 75% of the grade, so you can be sure I'll stay on top of things. Hoping to stick with a 7am wakeup then workout concept, getting me back here around 8:15 in time to shower eat a decent breakfast and get over across campus. My second class of the day is at 2pm, which is my Econ 119 United States Business History lecture. So far looks like it'll be pretty much memorization, more of a history course with lots of reading and so forth than an econ course. That one is 50% Final and 50% exam papers, these two take home little 4 pagers where you get 6 questions and choose to answer one or something. Doesn't look like it'll be too rough either. On Mondays and Wednesdays I then have a two hour lecture from 3 to 5 for my Econ 138A Income Tax class... Yeah, it might be painful, but I figure of all the things that might be useful later in life, knowing how to save yourself money sounds like a pretty good deal. It's actually a two quarter class, think I'm taking 138B in the Spring. Today will be my first day of it since it doesn't meet Fridays, more on that later. Then on Wednesdays I have ANOTHER class, a Econ 100A section from 5 to 6, so that makes 4 straight hours of class on Wednesdays. Will definitly be the least favorite day. The good news is just one class Tuesday and Thursday and two short lectures on Friday, so I should be able to deal.
Gah, now I have to just avoid taking a nap during my 10-2 gap every other day after waking up at 7, haven't missed a class yet, no need to start now. :)