Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Thought I'd Never See The Day...

Well I said I was going to go all out on the whole open minded thing this year, and so far I've kept to it... Got assigned a group for my Business Plan project in Writing 109EC, seems like a pretty electic group, apparently the meeting we're having outside of class to start setting things up is going to be at one of the group member's sorority where she lives, apparently they have a nice big living room they use for a lot of group projects or something. That'll be a new experience, four years later I've never been in a fraternity or sorority. First time for everything. I actually managed to listen to her talk without really stereotyping her immediately, so I think I'm improving.

In other news I turned in my app thingy for House Co-Chair or what-not, that should be interesting. I figure might as well start taking on leadership roles where I have to deal with morons, practice for the future. I'll probably take the reins and be the group organizer for this Business Plan project too, least that way I can be sure of a decent grade. The awesome news is that I don't have a final on the very last day like I thought I did, turns out it's taking place late the prior week. So I'll probably be heading home that weekend instead of having to wait til the Monday. Good deal. Er wait a second, why am I in a hurry to get home again? :/