Tuesday, March 05, 2002

The Day After.

So, last night's post has generated some response. Some being an understatement.

Apparently it was forwarded around the building somehow, because people who were never before interested in this page have become interested based on last nights events. I'd like to clarify some of that with the addtion of results from today.

First of all I'd like to make the point that I don't use names for a reason, and that its REALLY irksome for people to come to me in order to lambast me for saying something that they felt was directed at them, when it was totally unrelated. If you want the facts, talk to me personally, don't become all irritated over something you have completely wrong anwyay.

So I got to make an appointment with the RD for Wednesday, and fill out an IR on the incident. Later today my R/A came into my room to talk to me about the issues of the hall as a whole, and how he can better improve the way he is dealing with things. I ran down a list of basically everything that had been irritating me about the hall, with the main issue being a complete lack of respect shown by some people on the hall. The maturity level of the hall as a whole has just dropped in the last few weeks, as people get used to be on their own and get away with greater and greater incidents.

What most surprised me about tonight was that shortly thereafter the two guys a couple doors down who have tended in the past to be a source for a lot of the complaints came to me personally to discuss how they can better improve the situation on the hall. I'm pretty sure the R/A had a talk with them about it prior, but they did seem to be genuinely interested in improving the living situation and respect level for everyone here. I mentioned a few of the things that had bothered me personally about them, such as one of them lighting up cigarettes in our hallway sending me into coughing spasms and making the whole hall smell like ass, and the humor of the other one which is just sometimes misplaced, such as the concept of flashing other people on the hall, something not enjoyed by everyone participating. They seemed to seriously take to heart the fact that they've been at an unacceptable maturity level lately and now that someone is finally having to take some of the heat for it they're going to "mend their ways" so that it doesn't happen to them. They assured me it wasn't all talk, and I sincerely hope that it isn't. We came to an understanding that I personally have no problem with the ways they choose to have their fun as freshmen, but when it begins to affect me or others personally negatively, and they receive a complaint, they should make the correct judgement.

The remaining issue is the seemingly twelve year old boy who was on the tail end of the punch last night, who appears to have no intention of changing his ways at all. Last night is far from being the only issue, previously there have been situations where up to six people would be studying in the lounge (adjacent) and helping each other out to study for a midterm and he's shown a total disrespect for all of them buy yelling and carrying on right outside the door, or playing his music at an obscene volume, even after REPEATED attempts by both everyone in the room and the R/A to lower the noise. He is the only one on the hall who feels the need to pump his speakers up to a volume where everyone can hear it clearly, and isn't concerned with it when people ask him to shut it off, regardless of how politely. He's been written up on multiple occasions due to his stupidity, such as smoking weed by himself in his room with the door open, and getting caught after the smell has wafted over the entire hall. Even today, he continued to talk trash, referring to how "girly" my punch was, and telling friends how many "gangsters" he knew up in King City where he dug ditches all summer (yeah, I know, that explains a lot) who are willing to drive hundreds of miles to "do his dirty work." I find it humorous. The one time he could have actually fought back and used his "mad guns" to "beat the shit out of me" and claimed self defense, his solution was to cry. The phrase "all talk" is most appropriately used here. He just recently started smoking cigarettes again, so if nothing else, that will do him in eventually. He goes out of his way to cause problems in other people's lives, I guess I should just say what goes around comes around. (edit: That's not a threat, don't read it as such, I wouldn't waste my time. I'm done with the situation with him, he'll get what's coming to him regardless of whether I'm involved.)

Luckily it would appear that the situation with everyone else has resolved itself to the point that they're more concerned with him than with anyone else, and a general understanding has been reached among those of us intelligent enough to hold a coherent conversation. So basically, everyone on the hall is now going to thoroughly enjoy the next time he gets caught, and gets to deal with the same situation I'm going through, except to a fuller extent, because it will be his 3rd writeup, grounds for removal from the dorms. The amount of slack he's been cut will be eliminated completely, and he'll have to be very careful if he does want to finish out the year here. I won't be sorry to see him go, and I'm not the only one.

So, resolution, major strides have been taken today to improve the situation on the hall by its various members, our R/A has pledged to deal with future occurances appropriately before it reaches this extent, and one little boy cowers in his room waiting for the walls to close in on him.

In other news, the nickname "Muhammad" has been coined in reference to me, I found that to be quite clever.