An Attempt At Imitation
I really enjoy a particular blog by a woman living in New York City, called Encounters Witnessed and Conversations Overheard. She takes random but later significant encounters with people from her everyday life, and reproduces the conversation for everyone to see. They say imitation is a form of flattery, so I'm going to attempt to do just that.
It's late Sunday night, past one. The young man walks from his car home towards his dorm, passing betwen buildings. He twirls his keys in his hand. He spots a cute young woman hovering outside the door of another dorm. She seems lost, afraid, perhaps locked out. He decides to see if she's alright, as his path approaches the building. As he nears the door opens, another young man walks out. The sparkle of their immediate smiles can be seen from a distance. They kiss, and embrace, before walking slowly down the hallway, arm in arm, as the door swings shut behind them. Out in the cold night, the man sighs, and shivers. He puts his keys back into his pocket, and continues home.
I decided to italicize it and future attempts of this sort so its clear when I randomly start talking in the third person what's going on. Seeing the way such simple things affect people in such a multitude of different ways is amazing to me. I guess these types of entries will help show another glimpse into the world that only I see.