Come Sail Away, Come Sail Away...
Wow, absolutely beautiful day. You could see the islands more clearly than any day in recent memory, and the mountains seemed much more prominent than usual. Managed to get out to enjoy the scenery today and had no regrets.
There's something in the wind, a whole lot of my friends are telling me stories about recent breakups and how they're dealing with them, its really weird hearing various stages of the same overall scenario from different people, as the process goes through initial bitterness/denial, anger/revenge, jealousy, and eventually acceptance and acknowledgement of the actuality of the present situation (that being the fact that he/she is not coming back). I don't get too excited though, just when the singles pool seems to be getting larger they all seem to pair off again. :/
Hm, LCDs are getting cheaper, but still not cheap enough. The VP230MB is down to a whoppingly cheap $3400. Heh. Spare change anyone?