Tuesday, February 05, 2002

I See Orion, I Win!

Managed to spank the excellent racquetball player I faced off against tonight, but apparently he'd already had a previous loss against this supposed "incredible" player that I haven't faced yet... [pops his his head with a pin as is often needed]

Rewarded myself last night by heading out after basically outright acing (or so I think) a Statistics midterm earlier that day, gotta love multiple choice exams. In my friends SUV she was busting out all these 80's cds reminding me of the good ol days, stuff I hadn't heard in a while, and am in the process of downloading. :)

Tonight marks the first new episode of 24, a series I'm qutie addicted to, and apparently the next 12 weeks will all be new episodes. Lookin forward to them.

So like, I feel like I'm basically beginning to level off on the whole meeting people plane. I have the usual several people I talk to regularly, and plenty of people outside of that I know pretty well, but I'm not exactly getting out there and meeting new people left and right. I guess first quarter its easier because no one knows anyone and everyone's out to make friends. After Christmas though the circles are set, and the only people looking to meet people are the people looking for the wrong things. I guess people always say you find the one you're looking for when you stop looking altogether. Well...

[pretends to stare at the wall]