Saturday, February 09, 2002

"Do You Believe in Miracles?!?...... YESSSS!"

Although I wasn't around in 1980 to hear the above annoucement live, I've seen many a tape of it, and must admit it was a pretty incredible moment for sports in the US. Last night's opening ceremonies was quite entertaining, culminating with the usual awesome moment of lighting the Olympic cauldron. This has always been my favorite part of the event, watching a ski jumper fly down the hill with it at one Olympics (Lilehammer '94), an archer fire it into the air at another (Barcelona '92), and various other impressive ways of getting it to its final resting point. I've managed to see all the torch runs I've been alive for, starting with Los Angeles in 1984, followed by Atlanta in 1996, and now Salt Lake City in 2002, as they passed through my local neighborhood. Talk about an amzing honor, being able to carry it seems like just an amazing experience. Looking forward to some great TV watchin over the next few weeks as our athletes make a run for the Gold. Thanks to a couple of my friends for invitin me over to watch the ceremonies on their big screen, and servin me some yummy yummy chicken broccolli rice something or other. :)