Thursday, October 25, 2001

When it Goes, it Goes...

The above title is apparenly in reference to my memory...

So I get up this morning before my alarm goes off even, go figure. Decide since I'm up an hour earlier than usual I'll treat myself with a smoothie from Jamba Juice at the Ucen on the way to class. My friend's girlfriend works at the one on State Street, and she had like a million of those buy three get one free coupons thingies already stamped out, and I was given like 10. (SCHWEEEEEEEET, btw) So anyway, I wander in and the girl working the register goes "heyyyy what's up!" and I look up and see a very familiar face. Unfortunately the name, or where i know the face from, is just totally gone. So after the initial confused stare, her commenting "you don't remember me do you" and me saying "oh yeah, yeah I do, how are you what's been up" I am just at a total loss as to where I know her from.

The real kicker was what happened next though. She takes my order, and instead of asking, says "it's Matt, right?"


I was basically floored, usually girls can't remember my name five minutes later, much less at least six months (I'm pretty sure I know her from last year sometime). So I follow that up with "wow, I'm impressed" immediately realizing as I say that, that she might ask me what her name is. Luckily at that precise moment I happened to see her nametag on her hat. Turns out she didn't ask me anyway, and we didn't say anything else. But damn, was I stunned. It was like someone had randomly told me I was the coolest guy on earth. I guess that's when you know you've reached a new level of desperation. When someone remembering your name is life-altering.

Haven't the foggiest idea what I know her from. :( And boy, wouldn't I feel retarded asking.