Such a non-day. Woke up at like 5am, couldn't get back to sleep, got up for a while, went back to bed at 7am stupidly thinking I could wake up again for class, missed class, decided screw it then I might as well keep sleeping, got up at 1pm, did laundry, went racquetballing, ate dinner, twiddled around for a few hours, and here I am. These non-days are quite frustrating. I need to eliminate these in order to get the grades I need to get this quarter. Gr.
Oh. I forgot the best part. I retardedly drove to the reccen, forgetting that even though i usually go at night, in order to go during the day you have to put money in the meter, because its only after 5pm that it's free. Thirty buck parking ticket. Whoopee.
I think one negative side of keeping this log is I find it hard to motivate myself to e-mail people I keep up with regularly. Its like, I just told my life story for the day once, and I'd just be repeating myself in an e-mail to the person. Most of them read this anyway. Maybe that's just me being impersonal. I haven't given 'go read the log' as a response to a friend's question in the real world as of yet. That would be pretty lame.
I think it's healthy though. This whole talking to one's self thing. They say your dreams are the way your mind regurgitates the information gathered during the day. I guess this is kind of like that.
Wow, this post sucked. I apologize.