Another boring day til a couple hours ago... Had the two lectures I didn't have yesterday, looks like my statistics course is definitely going to be my most boring on. At least during my vector calculus class I could busy myself doing the homework assigned for the next two weeks, although I guess that means I'll be bored for the rest of the time. Fifty minute Monday Wednesday Friday classes are somewhat livable, seventy five minute Tuesday Thursday ones are just about unbearable. Have a good friend in the statistics one so that should keep it somewhat interesting anyway.
Had really itchy eyes last couple days, think related to me starting to swim again, that happened last year but eased off once I was back in the groove. Didn't get a chance to exercise today, my usual racquetball partner was sick, and ended up driving to Ventura randomly.
Speaking of which, decided to do something spontaneous today and meet up with someone I've never met, another of the members of the online gaming group I'm a part of. You might recall I visited one in Ohio when I flew back to go to the world class amusement park there with the world's tallest and fastest ride... Anyway, this one lives just an hour down the road in Thousand Oaks so we met up halfway at a Carrow's in Ventura and had a fun little chat. I don't know what it is about meeting people for the first time that's so exciting, but I love it. I suppose there's always some risk involved, but as long as you don't see anything stupid, I don't see anything wrong with meeting random people from the online world in real life. I guess I shouldn't say random, since I've known both those people for like three years...
Man I keep yawning and having my eye tear up, guess I'll hit the sack, more tomorrow.