Friday, September 28, 2001

Like a Painting...

That's what the ocean out here looks like lately, especially late at night with the moon shining bright (I'm a poet and don't know it). Watching the light glistening over the rippling waves, man, can't get much more peaceful than that. Skipped a day again, naughty me, but there hasn't been much to chat about... Wednesday is gonna be a major hump day for me this quarter, got 2 classes on Mon Tue and Thur, 3 on Fri, and a whoppin 5 on Wed... What makes it worse is three of them are sections, although it seems like lectures are even more boring than sections these days... Helped a friend out with math today, struggling to remember how I figured these things out several quarters ago... Figured it out eventually, the memory isn't that far gone at this point.

Played a lot of racquetball tonight, which was quite fun, played against a couple guys on the floor who had been talking trash for days about wanting to beat the pants off me... Well lets just say that they were still securely fastened when we were through. :)

Also managed to stick my foot in my mouth pretty far... A guy on the hall had ignored my knocking the other day and I had made fun of him for a while, so he gave me a story about how he'd had his hand in some girl's pants not his own, or something... So anyway to make a long story short the person I helped with math was in here and it came up, and I repeated what he said... Little did I know that was the girl that was in his room at the time... So not entirely sure what their whole deal is or what exactly happened, but he wasn't too pleased when we discussed it later. Seems like a lot goes on behind closed doors...

Interestingly enough though I found out he smoked cigarettes today as he lit up on the way back from the RecCen... I gave him my usual *you're a dumbass" speech, but later tonight he accepted a $20 bet that he would be able to stop smoking for a month... I'd like to see it hoping, cigarette smoke drives me nuts, I hate it when people come into my room smelling like that. Whether he'll care that much is another story. He did come in and throw away all his cigarettes right in front of me, a whole $4 worth anyway. My friend seemed disgusted when he mentioned it to her though, so maybe he has new incentive. Told them the story about last year, when I woke up at three in the morning to go to the bathroom and happened to glance into a room on the way and found someone unconscious in a pool of their own vomit and blood... Was all over the place, the bed, the desk, the floor... Ended up callin an ambulance, he was in the hospital for like three days after they pumped his stomach... Apparently he was trying to join the "Century Club" where they take a hundred shots in an hour.. Most sad part is he had plans to try it again in a week after he got out of the hospital. I swear, some of these people are just a lost cause. Makes me angry sometimes.

I like to think I'm helping people, that I'm serving a purpose here... I think I am... Well, I'm trying anyway. :/