Saturday, May 03, 2003

The Power of X.

Well, I think I got my one sob story of a blog out of the way for the year, so I should be able to avoid such boredom in the future. I was informed by one reader that they felt like they'd turned on Lifetime: Programming for Women or Days of our Lives. Hm.

On the beginning of this eve of deuces wild I give you a new movie review, X2. After waking up way too late to be productive I decided to go ahead and watch the first one, and then go see if I could haggle up a ticket for a late night showing of the new one. As it happened I managed to snag one for the latest show at 10:15, and being it was only 5:30 or so I had plenty of time to kill. I spent most of it in Borders, browsing like I always do. I actually sat down and read parts of things for the first time in a while though, which is always fun. It's amazing how much easier it is to read, and pass time, when you actually care about what you're reading, or are actually interested in it. Ah but yes the movie was quite entertaining. Your usual special effects laden action flick, although I'd have to say this one was better than the first. Not the common result generally with sequels. This is probably because they took the effects to new levels, and added some new characters to spice things up. The opening scene is actually one of the best, reminded me much of the Matrix preview that was shown beforehand. Speaking of which, that could be the movie of the year thus far when it comes to entertainment value, just the preview got a rousing applause out of the audience. Couple Thursdays down the road I believe til that one opens. All in all good stuff if you liked the first one, even if you're not a comic book fan. We'll say 4 M's out of 7.

Meanwhile, halfway to halfway, meaning I'm done with two midterms out of four, after which I'll be halfway to being done with this quarter and college life in general. If I can get through Mondays and Wednesdays, I'll be a happy camper. Unfortunately I still have loads of work to do on both, they're both essay tests. Although I have review questions the test questions will be based off for both, I still have to outline them and somehow memorize loads of historical data, since for once I won't be able to program it all into my calculator. Alas.

Oh yes and about all that from Tuesday, I suppose we'll just have to see how it turns out, not really going to be anything to report on a regular basis.