Friday, March 07, 2003


Quite an interesting topic actually. There's actually a whole lot I could say about it. Unfortunately I'm tired. Tonight's movie is what brought up the subject, as some friends and I took in Tuck Everlasting. Of the short and sweet variety, this one had typical live action Disney fare. Basic concept is boy meets girl, boy is immortal, girl isn't, girl has to decide whether to become immortal with him as well, climax at the end where you find out what happens. A whole lot of sappy lovey dovey goodness in the middle. I actually enjoyed the female lead's performance, and I suppose the male lead did a decent job of being your typical hearthrob. We'll go with 4 M's. It was a mere 88 minutes, so it's one you can just sort of breeze through when you have an hour to kill. Cute, helps to remind those of us who are no longer teenagers what it was like to be one once.

Tuned in to the President's speech tonight, primetime live usually means big news, as it turned out it sounded much like repetition of stuff he's already said. I was expecting more, something along the lines of let's go get em. The wait goes on. Saw an interesting 60 Minutes a few nights ago where they went around Kuwait interviewing a bunch of the soldiers, and they all talked about how bored they were with training, and were basically hoping to either get the hell in and do their job, or get the hell out and go home. The natives are getting restless as they say. I guess it's only a matter of time.

Some of the people I hung out with tonight who I hadn't seen in a few months said I looked much thinner. The best part is when people who don't even know you're trying say that. They're the ones you know are actually being honest. It's not like I was ever fat, or think I am now, but being healthier and more in shape is just a very neat feeling, and it'll only get better.