Wind, Oh How You Give Me A Job.
Believe it or not, I've actually had fun during the last two days of class. They've entirely consisted of CBT or Computer Based Training which is of course my preferred method of learning, and better yet we've been learning how to do a truckload of calculating, something I've always been good at and picked up quickly. On Monday we learned about 30 different kinds of conversions that we can do with our little whiz wheels, all of which made total sense to me. I breezed through all the quizzes at the end of the sections, rarely making a mistake other than a random careless one due to the speed at which I was working. My plan on the test is to do the entire test twice without looking at my answers from the first time the second time through, that way odds of a careless mistake are miniscule, and who knows if I can manage to get the other half of the test that isn't problem solving down pat I might end up with my first 100. From the sound of the other section a couple days ahead of us it supposedly gets much harder sometime in the next couple days, but I'm not impressed thus far. I'm really happy about the way things are going though, and feeling confident about the rest of the course. This is supposedly the time people start getting weeded out, and I can already see that happening in some respects, but it's going to have to get a lot more challenging before I'm worried about being in that boat.
Unfortunately still no news about whether I'll get rolled back, which would really be disappointing. They're already spoon feeding us it seems like, and I wouldn't really gain anything from doing nothing for six weeks. All it would do is delay my career some more, although I'll still get paid in the meantime. I like the situation I'm in, and I tend to be resistant to change at times. Guess I'll have to work at that.
We finally got my webcam working through my multiple firewalls, so my girlfriend was able to see me for a brief minute or two before I had to zip off to class after lunch while she was volunteering near one of the computer labs there. She seemed quite pleased, and I'm more than a bit bitter that vice versa still isn't possible because she's still waiting on the password to be able to log in to her new internet. It's been like two months that we've been waiting on this, and it really would help a lot to be able to see each other on a regular basis, even through a computer.
Managed to get off my ass and go running tonight, and also managed it Sunday, so trying to get into the every other day thing again before I attempt to take it even further in a few weeks. Quite a bit out of shape, just a three miler leaves me pretty breathless.
And in other random news, two rather strange hits to this blog have come from someone connecting through and That's right, the House of Representatives and Department of Justice's websites. Wonder what they found to be so interesting. Guess that's why I don't discuss politics. :)