A Trojan Tragedy and a Television Travesty...
Woah gettin all creative with the blog titles. Okay let's see what's been the happenins.
Finished API in JSUNT, took the test on Friday, and managed to miss one that I really shouldn't have missed. So thus far I've missed one on all three tests, putting me somewhere in the middle of the pack most likely. The good news I've been waiting for is that we're finally starting the IN phase or Introduction to Navigation, during which we finally start crunching numbers, spinning the whiz wheels, and working problems for more than half of the eventual test for that phase. This is what I excel at, and what I feel will be a great place to catch up.
The bad news is I found out Friday unless I get my appointment moved up, I'll definitely be rolling back to another class after being put on medical hold. I find out Monday most likely if they're able to bump me up somehow, if not I'll probably be chilling out for three weeks doing nothing again. It'll be a bit depressing to leave the group of people I've hung with for my entire Air Force career thus far, but I guess that's what happens whenever you PCS to a new base, so I might as well get used to it. More about that on Monday or Tuesday when I find out what the deal is.
We'll cover next American Idol, which yes I must admit I've been watching these last few weeks. Actually not watching since I have no TV, but I've been downloading the episodes. AI is particularly annoying about their commercials, especially during the results show when it takes them an hour just to let you know who got eliminated. And speaking of which, I really have to comment on what a travesty it was. Latoya London's version of "Rain on my Parade" is easily in my top three songs from the show during all the seasons combined, and easily the best of this season. I haven't a clue how she got the boot, and it's quite sad. Nothing against the other three, but she was top dog. Prior to her belting out that one my favorite had been Diana, and I guess we'll have to see if my original choice ends up holding up. I'm actually glad I already knew she was rejected before I watched the show, or I probably would have been floored. America gets 1 out of 7 M's for screwing that one up.
On a more positive note, this weekend's fare was the epic Troy. I went in expecting a Gladiator style action flick, and I got all that and more. Peole I know had given it medicore ratings, and so I was expecting some decent stunts and action, but I totally disagree. The panoramas of this one are amazing; the CGI is top notch. They obviously used truckloads and truckloads of extras, but on some scenes in particular you can't even tell whether it's just a TON (or actually several tons) of them or they've actually been backed up by CGI for the most part. I must draw particular attention to the hand to hand combat scene between Hector and Achilles, basically one of the climaxes of the film. The choreography of the battle is superb, and puts together a fabulous sequence. You can see the actors' faces for basically the entirety, which means they must have spent a hell of a lot of time practicing, because it is entirely believable and very powerful. We all know I love dramas, and this one is way up there. Some plot elements don't make much sense, such as an entire battle between armies shutting down for a battle midway through between two major characters, as if the other thousands of people would just pause the bloodshed and watch and then continue, or as in the case of the movie call it quits for the day. Other than that though, great drama, some great acting by some power players, a very believable Achilles by Brad Pitt who must have put on 20 pounds of solid muscle for the movie and looked it, and an equally impressive soundtrack that wasn't overbearing except when it was supposed to be, which is something you don't always see. A solid 6 out of 7 M's for this one, first time in a while I've seen that quality in the theater. And to think it's only the beginning of the summer season...