Monday, August 04, 2003

Yet Another Waiting Game...

Everything, and I do mean everything, is up in the air right now. I'm hoping to get grades back tomorrow. If they're good as expected, the process will move along, if not, my OTS class is delayed at least six weeks and I start summer session B a couple weeks late. If that works out, then I start trying to get the letters from professors to the registrar, to get the verification I need as well the as getting the transcript process started so they can mail it directly to OTS. Hopefully, that will be given to me by Thursday. If it is, I could potentially be driving to Alabama, leaving very early Friday. I'd have to do a whole lot in a whole little amount of time though, so who knows. If not, I'd fly out Tuesday or possibly Monday, assuming I can switch my plans with the recruiter from driving to flying at such short notice.

So basically, I know nothing at this point, but by the end of tomorrow I should know a little more.