Get Out of Jail Free Card
Also known as a verification of my degree, I finally managed to secure one this morning after three days of chasing professors and letters around trying to prove my GPA was high enough. Made it by a cool 5 thousands of a point I believe. Had it completely under control. Yep.
So the plan is now to head down to LA sometime later today or maybe tomorrow morning, and spend the weekend getting my act together there. Then I'll be getting dropped off at MEPS bright and early around 4am Monday morning, and hopping on a plane heading East.
Been saying goodbye to a lot of people today, who knows when I'll reappear back on this side of things. Only one thing is for sure, I won't have much hair.
Going to see The Producers on Sunday at 2pm, and then promptly going to sleep, but other than that my weekend should have plenty of gaps for more goodbyes and whatnot, just call my cell.