A First!
Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever we have a guest speaker to the blog!
I have no editorial control over what follows:
Hi. Matt has some interesting songs on his winamp playlist. Many come with interesting dances. Perhaps he'll dance for you if you come visit him; i suggest requesting Sisqo's "Thong Song" . . . :)
Hm. Note to self refrain from using guest speakers in the future. Not my fault the guest took so long I was having to entertain myself using other methods. What's wrong with interesting dances anyway! Hmph.
Hung out with the same person for obscene amounts of time today. Was very strange. Way more than average. Cannot explain. I think they put something in the water.
Ran all the way down to the end of the pier today. Lot further than it used to be since I'm way over on this side of campus now and have to run across the island to get to where I used to start from in years past. Definitely the longest run time wise since I've started, going to have Mondays be long slow distance days. Hopefully within a few weeks will make it over towards the airport, and maybe in a few months run all the way around the airport. Should be fun. The two day weekend was good for my legs I think, I hadn't had a two day break in a few weeks.
Today I started actually studying. Actually reading even. Made up a schedule breaking it down over the next ten days, what I'm reading when, when I'm reviewing, etc etc. Even working on the weekends. It's gettin all crazy up in this.