Monday, June 17, 2002

What Is It About Home...

That always makes me feel like ASSSSSSS. I don't think I've ever managed to come home after spending time at school without being sick for the first couple days. Always massive sneezing going on, due to allergies, or something or other, and the whole stuffyhead feeling where you don't want to do anything but sleep. Luckily i'm 2 for 2 on not having to go in for jury duty so far this week.

Caught a couple flicks today, hooray for at least twilight movie prices being cheap. Four fifty is a lot better deal than the 9.25 some places charge for regular adults. First one I saw was Windtalkers which I'll give 5 M's out of 7. Your classic war movie, very comparable to We Were Soldiers cept Nicolas Cage was in the starring role instead of Mel Gibson. I enjoy them both, and the effects of the war scenes were top notch as usual. I think the fact that John Woo directed it helped push it further than the norm. Obviously not a real picker-upper if you know people in the military, but then again this is the 21st century not WW2, the time period the movie was set in.

After that I hopped across the hallway to The Sum of All Fears, the one based on the Clancy novel of the same name. I never really got into Clancy, I've found that you can skip his first fifty pages and his last fifty pages, and not actually miss anything. I've always been more of a Chricton fan. The movie was good though, your classic "oh my gawd here comes the end of the world and one man has the power to stop it" drama. This time its Ben Affleck in the role of Jack Ryan, rather than Harrison Ford as was the case in a few previous Clancy novels turned films. This one was about on par with the rest of them, again 5 Ms out of 7.

While I'm at it, I happened to flip to a couple excellent movies while TV surfing last night, if you've never seen True Lies or Die Hard: With a Vengance then I highly recommend giving them a look-see, both have incredible action scenes, and some great dialogue thrown in between. Whether you're a Willis or Schwareaskdjflaskdfjger fan (not even going to try spelling it), or maybe even a fan of Tom Arnold, I give them both 6 Ms out of 7.

I'd love to get my exercise routine going, but that requires being able to breath through my nose. Gr.