Couple Quick Notes...
I'm on jury duty as was mentioned previously, but today I actually got called in, and managed to get selected for an actual trial. Luckily will only last until Monday or Tuesday. Unfortunately I can't give all the gory details while its in progress, federal offense, yadda yadda yadda, so will update on that afterward.
Now for the most important news of the day.
By a whopping THREE HUNDREDTHS OF A GPA POINT, I have gained entrance into the full major of Business Economics at UCSB. Thus, no need for summer school, no need to take an extra quarter, and it would appear I'm actually going to graduate in June, at the end of my 4th year, even after switching majors in the middle of my 3rd. And they said it couldn't be done.
This is a HUGE load off my shoulders, its just been a really good day. :):):)
More tomorrow, I'm dead tired and going to bed early before something ruins it. :P