Go Yoda Go Yoda Go!
For those who haven't seen Episode II: Attack of the Clones stop lollygaggin around and get to it! You've had like a week to claim everyone who has seen it is a geek, was born a Wookie, and runs around with plastic light sabers all day, now it's time to swallow your pride and go witness the spectacle for yourself. Gonna go with 6 M's out of 7 for this one, largely because of the atmosphere I saw it in. Nothing like seeing the 12:01am showing of a Star Wars movie, with all the kooky lookies and whackos that have been standing in the cold for like 3 days waiting in line. Wish I had a decibel meter or something during the beginning of the movie, I know my hearing will never be the same. There were like six previews, all of which were met with a resounding chorus of boos, until finally up popped the 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilms symbols, which brought out loud cheers. Then there was a whole lot of shhhhhhing as the famous in a galaxy far far away line faded into the screen, until the theater was utterly silent. This all changed seconds later when the orchestra slammed into that initial note, and the Star Wars logo appeared gigantic and dead center. I couldn't even hear the rest of the song, as the standing ovation and thunderous applause drowned it out. The movie itself was quite entertaining, some very cool scenes that all little boys would like, from the CGI to the saber battles, all exciting. The part many Star Wars fans had been waiting for for about twenty years now came later, but I won't ruin it for those who have been under a rock for a week and haven't seen it yet.
Ended up paying for the fun, I unfortunately had to drive to Camarillo to see the movie because the Arlington theater here was sold out, and on the way back my car basically exploded. Well, not exactly a ball of fire or anything, but it ended up being its final hurrah. Hung out in a Jack in the Box parking lot after managing to coast there from the fast lane on the freeway mostly thanks to the downhill offramp and the lack of traffic at 3 in the morning... Eventually around 4 after getting lost the tow truck showed up, and carted me over to a repair place that didn't open til 8, so I got to sit around in the car for four hours, weeee.
To make a long story short, if anyone wants a basically thrashed 86 Celica, I recommend going to 51-57 Victoria Avenue in Ventura, its sitting in the parking lot. Basically stripped it of everything useful, from the license plate "Fourth Generation Californian" thingy to my registration sticker. I stopped short of taking the spare tire, although my family might go pick it up at some point.
So, after getting a ride back to school with a wonderful fabulous friend who was nice enough to come get me in Ventura, and then a ride home to LA with another wonderful fabulous friend (well she was headed that way anyway, but still gets brownie points ;) ) I picked up the family's old minivan, which I'll be carting myself around in until probably the end of the school year at least. So beware of Mad Matt's in Minivans, coming to a street (or sidewalk) near you. I've only run over like eight curbs in the first few days, and parked diagonally a few times, other than that I'm all over it.