Tuesday, April 23, 2002

It Starts...

First midterm of the quarter tomorrow, followed by a paper due Thursday, and your typical once or twice a week grade making or breaking events through the rest of the quarter. The good news is I actually have full weekends planned upcoming, got a hike scheduled for this weekend the 27th, May 3rd and 4th will be spent camping with the hall down at Carpenteria Beach, 10th through 12th being in Vegas, 15th the hall trip to Magic Mountain, and 17th and 18th camping up at Lake Cachuma at a reunion of the hall from last year. Luckily going to be missing basically no class, and have plans to study and get the reading done around things so that it doesn't pose a problem down the stretch run.

Trying to get out of this going to bed at 3am funk, my plan is to wake up at 10 tomorrow in plenty of time for my 12:30, and then 8 the next day for my 9, and then get on a new schedule where I wake up at a relatively early hour every day to take care of things like exercise before my first class. We'll see how this pans out...