Friday, April 26, 2002

Could You Be Any More STUPID?

Okay so I thought I was going to bed about an hour ago, until I walked outside on the way to the restroom to brush my teeth and witnessed a bizarre scene. Tape was stretched completely across the hallway blocking it at two locations between my room and the bathroom, and a CSO officer was standing between them, looking quite irritated. It was only after I asked what was going on when I noticed the very large amount of glass scattered around the floor. What in the hell...

I wander into a nearby room where I wasn't surprised a conversation about the incident was going on. For those who want background information on the idiot responsible, see Monday, March 4th, for a description of one of my personal run-ins with him. So, the eventual story I get is apparently while I was downstairs working out, (no wait, couldn't have been or I would have seen it when I came up, must have been while I was on the phone...) a couple of the guys on the floor including the aforementioned were having somewhat friendly wrestling matches in the lounge. They were drunk on a Thursday night for some reason, and this ended up causing the aftermath. The matches degenerated into "your mom" jokes in retaliation when someone would lose, and moves such as choke holds were prevalent throughout. I wasn't there so I can't explain exactly when or how, but apparently at some point the idiot decides to punch the window of the lounge door with all his might. Its an inch thick or so, and reinforced, but hit it hard enough and it'll shatter, and shatter it did, outwards into the hallway. Apparently during the punch and as he pulled his hand back through the hole, he severely cut himself on the glass, to the point that blood is now smeared around the hall floor and bathroom. 911 was called, and he was carted off to the hospital. I'd love to say I feel remorseful, but I'm going to have to take the asshole route and say he had it coming to him. The best part about it is that not only does he get charged for the door ($500) and the hospital, but the basically assured result is that he will be removed from the dorms completely and have his contract cancelled, due to this and many previous incidents. It really couldn't have happened any better, no one had to take the fall getting involved with him in order for him to make that final stupid move, he did it completely himself, to himself. Talk about throwing away a lot of money, if he's removed from the dorms there's always the possibility of his financial aid (somewhere in the vicinity of ten grand a year) being cancelled as well.I personally, and just about all the other residents here, will not be sorry to see him go. I'm generally not the hateful type, but when someone is so immature as to do his best to lower the quality of life for everyone on the hall on a regular basis, I feel he should be appropriately disciplined. Good riddance, idiot.

Good night, after this short delay I still must be up with the sun. :)